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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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5 posters

    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Post by day dreamer Fri 19 Sep 2014, 12:11 pm

    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Friday 19 September 2014 18: 48

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    Alsumaria news/Baghdad
    Sign House speaker Salim Al-jubouri, a Friday, the vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week, as it happened in last Tuesday's meeting "was found for the new custom", he stressed that the coming period will see the departure of consensus-era pass laws.

    Al-jubouri said in an interview for the program "talk of the nation" who stbethh "Sumerian" later this evening, "what happened in the meeting Tuesday not to vote on candidates for security ministries set a precedent has been established for the new custom house", pointing out that "the Executive is the prime cause of failed security and not the Parliament."

    Jubouri said he "was an interview yesterday with Prime Minister Haidar Al-Abbadi said he could provide security and were vote Prime Minister soon," expected "during the week, less than a week."

    Al-jubouri said that "a vote of confidence for the Government developed a new philosophy that is not necessarily that we agree," he said, adding "we are leaving the era of consensus in passing controversial legislation and take account of the observations of all parties."

    The House hearing last Tuesday (September 16, 2014), the failure of the candidate to the writer get confidence for the post of Minister of Tourism WA effects, with each candidate failed Union of Iraqi forces, Jaber Al-jaberi, candidate of the National Alliance of Riyad Gharib to get majority of the defense and interior ministries.

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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Re: Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Post by weslin3 Fri 19 Sep 2014, 1:09 pm

    So does that mean 2 days, few days or SOOM?  306
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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Re: Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Post by duck2000 Fri 19 Sep 2014, 1:13 pm

    soom ..!  lol
    Cain't Let Go Investor
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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Re: Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Post by GWT54 Fri 19 Sep 2014, 3:04 pm

    It all hinges on maybe !!

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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Re: Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Post by dizzydee Fri 19 Sep 2014, 8:27 pm

    and how many times it can be postponed.
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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Re: Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

    Post by weslin3 Fri 19 Sep 2014, 8:29 pm

    duck2000 wrote:soom ..!  lol
    I know duck I'm afraid to use the "S" word.

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    Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week  Empty Re: Al-jubouri is expected to vote on the Security Ministers in less than a week

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