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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Official in Basra concern of the possibility of lack of access to five dollars for every barrel

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    Official in Basra concern of the possibility of lack of access to five dollars for every barrel Empty Official in Basra concern of the possibility of lack of access to five dollars for every barrel

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Sep 2014, 4:36 am

    Official in Basra concern of the possibility of lack of access to five dollars for every barrel


    The members of the provincial council in Basra on Saturday, concern over the possibility of lack of access to maintain their financial rights on the basis of given five dollars for every barrel of oil produced in the fields or exported through its ports, and stressed that the increase in military spending and stop the export of oil from the Kirkuk fields of the factors that invite them to pessimism in this regard. The Chairman of the Committee of Financial Supervision and follow-up assignments in the provincial council, Sheikh Ahmad Al-Sulaiti in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "The issue of granting Basra five dollars for every barrel of oil has not been resolved yet, and until now no one can say for sure on them," noting that "the province has do not get five dollars, and if obtained, the amounts do not spend the whole during the current year, but part of it is recycled into next year. "
    He Sulaiti that "there are some factors that may prevent access of Basra on her financial rights on the basis of five dollars for every barrel, the most important of increased military spending, and lower oil exports under the stoppage of the Kirkuk oilfields, in addition to abstinence Kurdistan Regional Government for the delivery of government Federal oil revenues which they exported individually. "

    For its part, said the Chairman of the Development and Reconstruction of the provincial council flower Hamza Albjara in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "Basra is not guaranteed after gaining five dollars for every barrel," adding that "the provincial council will not reassure the prior approval of the Council of Representatives on the Law the budget. "

    She Albjara that "the provincial council form a committee to follow up the issue of financial allocations, which should be obtained Basra within the current year budget," adding that "the Commission continues with the members of the House of Representatives."

    He was threatened with the governor of Basra Majed Nasraoui in (17 December 2013) organized sit-ins and protest demonstrations and wide, and then shut down oil exports unless you get Basra to five dollars for every barrel instead of one dollar, and then said that "Basra need huge amounts of money because its structure infrastructure destroyed and its environment polluted by the oil industry, as the province has lost most of its territory to the territory of oil mind can not take advantage of them in any other field. "

    It is noteworthy that Basra is the center of the oil industry in Iraq, and the most important cities of oil in the world, owns about 59% of Iraq's oil reserves, and has the largest oil fields in Iraq, including the crazy and Rumaila and West Qurna, and through the province exported most of the Iraqi oil-dependent the state budget on the revenue almost entirely, where issued quantities of oil by tankers foreign naval through the ports of al-Amaya and Basra (pristine deep earlier), as well as the three platforms mono-floating (tow and Jekor and Faha), and pumped oil platforms of the three new ports ancient via pipeline network stretching under water and related storage warehouses located near the center of the coastal Faw overlooking the bay.

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