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    Iran is seeking to swap nuclear versus a role to play against, "Daash" in Iraq and Syria

    Admin Assist
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    Iran is seeking to swap nuclear versus a role to play against, "Daash" in Iraq and Syria Empty Iran is seeking to swap nuclear versus a role to play against, "Daash" in Iraq and Syria

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Sep 2014, 7:33 am

    Iran is seeking to swap nuclear versus a role to play against, "Daash" in Iraq and Syria

    Sunday, 21 September / September 2014 07:06 

    Twilight News / United States officials hope to prevent a conflict between two challenges diplomats about Iran this week, namely Iran's nuclear program and the threat of regulation "Daash", at a time when it is trying Tehran to swap nuclear, according to the saying, return for their support for the international coalition.

    alt This is what Western officials suspected consider that Iran is seeking to swap any bet is a loser, and in particular that the West would not compromise Tehran to make its contribution in the face of terrorism, which threatens everyone without exception.

    Trying to Tehran barter reflected slower on the functioning of the round of negotiations between Iran and the six countries, which parties expressed their frustration and dissatisfaction with the lack of progress and goal Almrguin months after its launch, according to sources refer to him abreast of the talks.

    So are the challenges facing the United States diplomats with regard to Iran currently, the first nuclear program, which Washington expressed about the lack of acceptance of the level of enrichment work being done currently, and the threat of "Daash" II.

    Despite hostility between the two sides and the American Iranian, but observers believe that their interests converge in Iraq now at least, it does not want the two sides constantly retreat government in Baghdad against the extremist fighters.

    It became clear in the statements of the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, his country's cooperation with Baghdad and the Kurdistan region in the face of the terrorist organization.

    Zarif fear that constitute arming Coalition of the Syrian opposition threat to the future, but diplomatic sources believes that Iran wants to hit two birds with one stone, hit the extremist fighters, and not arming the Syrian opposition moderate, for fear of them that ends with the fate of the things a direct confrontation between Assad and the Syrian opposition, and may afford the risk of regime collapse or fall. 

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