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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

Welcome to the Neno's Place!

Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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3 posters

    Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament

    Admin Assist
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    Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament Empty Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament

    Post by Rocky Sun 21 Sep 2014, 8:46 am

    Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament

    The head of the House of Representatives Saleem al-Jubouri, on Friday, his determination to bring an action in Federal Court to lift the restrictions of the Council, returned to deprive parliament of its role President industry legislation that great imbalance, in what was considered that the presidency of the republic realized it the second part of the executive branch. Jubouri said in an interview for the program "modern home" which will be broadcast later in the evening on the screen, "Cuts", that "after we finished configurations and naming committees We will move to lift the restrictions placed on the House of Representatives which relates side legislature in the difference between the proposal and the project," pointing out that "we will establish a lawsuit in Federal Court are based where as indicated by the Constitution, which proves the proposed project. " He Jubouri that the proposed "is one way to be issued by law and there is no defect judicial or constitutional that remedied the court our decisions," noting that "we respect the issue of taking the opinion of the executive power in the event of issuance of the law, especially if the side of Mali, but depriving Parliament of be-maker legislation considerable disruption. " and added that "there is a desire to strengthen the relationship between the legislative and executive branches, and that the presidency reinforced that desire," noting that "the last submitted a proposal should be held periodic meetings to overcome the problems related to the work of the authorities, with some of them. " He Jubouri that "the presidency has been disabled from interfering in the legislation, but we Vathanaha subject and came to us, including a recent project the Federation Council," noting that "the Presidency of the Republic, so I realized it the second part of the executive branch" . was Jubouri confirmed, in (26 August 2014), that the Parliament binding legislation laws and distribution of imports and natural resources among the provinces. noteworthy that the House of Representatives did not vote during the previous session on the many important laws, and seeking political blocs for approval in "one basket" according to swaps political.

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    Bama Diva
    Bama Diva

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    Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament Empty Re: Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament

    Post by Bama Diva Sun 21 Sep 2014, 10:08 am

    He Jubouri that "the presidency has been disabled from interfering in the legislation, but we Vathanaha subject and came to us, including a recent project the Federation Council," noting that "the Presidency of the Republic, so I realized it the second part of the executive branch" . was Jubouri confirmed, in (26 August 2014), that the Parliament binding legislation laws and distribution of imports and natural resources among the provinces. noteworthy that the House of Representatives did not vote during the previous session on the many important laws, and seeking political blocs for approval in "one basket" according to swaps political.

    One basket sounds good to me IF they can ever get it accomplished. 
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

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    Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament Empty Re: Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament

    Post by weslin3 Sun 21 Sep 2014, 10:25 am

    Thanks for pointing that out Bama.

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    Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament Empty Re: Saleem al-Jubouri: We will establish a case at the Federal Court to lift the restrictions Parliament

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