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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Integrity: We are determined to open a comprehensive investigation into the theft of t

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary - Parliamentary Integrity: We are determined to open a comprehensive investigation into the theft of t Empty Parliamentary Integrity: We are determined to open a comprehensive investigation into the theft of t

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 May 2023, 7:04 am

    [size=45][size=41]Parliamentary Integrity: We are determined to open a comprehensive investigation into the theft of the century[/size]
     3 hours ago

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    A member of the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, Representative Aziz Sharif Al-Mayahi, affirmed his intention to adopt and open a comprehensive investigation file into the so-called theft of the century, to know all the merits of the crime, to ensure the recovery of looted funds, to hold the negligent accountable, and to close all loopholes that caused that crime to ensure that it is not repeated.
    Al-Mayahi said in a statement to his media office, “In the past days, we have seen a detailed report submitted by the Minister of Finance of the former government, Ali Allawi, about the theft of tax secretariats, or what was known as the theft of the century, which included information, some of which were previously mentioned on numerous occasions in the media or during investigations conducted by the competent authorities. But at the same time, there are indications included in the report indicating the existence of legal and routine loopholes that are still continuing until this moment and warn of the recurrence of such thefts if they are not addressed.
    Al-Mayahi added, “The failure to involve the legislative authority or inform it from the first moments of the emergence of suspicions of theft, and the former Finance Minister Ali Allawi’s delay in dealing with the information available to him and following the classic, fruitless methods of correspondence was one of the causes of that crime, which requires a review and study of all The powers and procedures that must be applied among the authorities concerned with following up the country’s money, spending and controlling it, not to mention the existence of clues that are still far from the limelight in this case and are evaded and overlooked intentionally or unintentionally, which means the presence of large heads standing strongly to collect the subject and not revealing the secrets of that crime ".
    And he continued, “From this point of view, despite our confidence in the measures taken by the judiciary, the Prime Minister, and the oversight bodies in integrity and the Board of Supreme Audit, but within our oversight duty, we must not watch or suffice with remote monitoring, and we will work from our position in the Parliamentary Integrity Committee to adopt this file, follow up on all its details, and harness all Efforts to gather facts and reveal what is hidden in front of parliament and public opinion.
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