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    Electronic payment reaches refugees in Iraq with UN funding

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Electronic payment reaches refugees in Iraq with UN funding Empty Electronic payment reaches refugees in Iraq with UN funding

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 May 2023, 5:21 am

    Electronic payment reaches refugees in Iraq with UN funding

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    Baghdad Today - translation
    Today, Tuesday, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) announced its contract with two companies (Nass Walt and Res Guard) to provide electronic financial payment service for aid provided by the United Nations to foreign refugees in Iraq without the need to deal with local banks. 
    BRN NewsWire said, according to what was translated by (Baghdad Today), that the new contract, which is now being implemented, will provide direct electronic payment service to foreign refugees, who number up to 280,000, using the phone, which will provide the organization with the ability to verify whether The beneficiaries are alive and in Iraq, according to their description. 
    The network also indicated that the United Nations is trying to reduce the problems arising from distributing money directly to refugees or dealing with local banks through special accounts, in addition to being another step that pushes Iraq towards embracing the electronic payment system instead of the monetary system that the United States is trying to pay the government. Al-Iraqiya towards using it to ensure its implementation of the economic sanctions imposed on Iran and to monitor the transfer of funds within the country.
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