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    A legal expert explains the essence of the dispute over the budget

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    A legal expert explains the essence of the dispute over the budget Empty A legal expert explains the essence of the dispute over the budget

    Post by Rocky Wed 31 May 2023, 7:25 am

    [size=52]A legal expert explains the essence of the dispute over the budget[/size]
    • Today 09:54


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    Information / Baghdad...
    Legal expert Ali Al-Tamimi explained, on Wednesday, the essence of the dispute over the amendments of the Finance Committee in the budget with the Kurds, pointing out that the amendments were consistent and correct and matched with the decisions of the Federal Court.
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    Al-Tamimi told Al-Maalouma, that "the General Budget Law witnessed a vote on most of its articles, except for Articles 13 and 14, where Article 1 states in its second paragraph that the regional government is committed to exporting 400,000 barrels per day of crude oil, and it was amended by the Finance Committee, provided that The export is exclusively through SOMO.
    He added, "The amendment from the Finance Committee on the aforementioned article corresponds to the decision of the Federal Supreme Court and is correct, as it is consistent with Court Decision No. 59 of 2012, during which it confirmed that all exports are exclusively through the SOMO company."
    And he indicated that "the second point of the amendment to the article itself, the draft law stipulated the commitment of the Ministry of Finance to pay the region's dues monthly before the oil was exported, but the amendment stipulated that the share would not be delivered until after the oil was paid through SOMO." ended 25 n
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