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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary transportation shows the difference between the development and silk projects.. Who se

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentary - Parliamentary transportation shows the difference between the development and silk projects.. Who se Empty Parliamentary transportation shows the difference between the development and silk projects.. Who se

    Post by Rocky Thu 01 Jun 2023, 5:11 am

    [size=45][size=41]Parliamentary transportation shows the difference between the development and silk projects.. Who serves Iraq?[/size]
     15 hours ago

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    Today, Wednesday, the Parliamentary Transport and Communications Committee decided the difference between the development road project and the Chinese Silk Road, while noting the role of the great port of Faw in the two projects.
    The head of the committee, Zahra al-Bajari, said in a press interview seen by Taqaddam, that “the development road project begins in Iraq from the great port of Faw in Basra Governorate and ends in the town of Fishkhabour in Dohuk Governorate,” pointing out that “the road will be 100% Iraqi.”
    She added, "The investments are for foreign and Iraqi companies, and they can be companies from the private sector, and this is a great opportunity to provide job opportunities and activate the private sector."
    As for the Silk Road, Al-Bajari explained, “The Silk Road project will enter the country by land, that is, from the city of Khanaqin.”
    And the head of the Transportation Committee stated, "The project will be in the hands of Chinese companies, which are the ones that make all the investments. As for development, it is Iraqi and it will be for Iraq, and the investments will be inside the country."
    The deputy confirmed, “The development path is one of the very important strategic projects that will provide the Iraqi economy with a set of benefits. The first is to provide hundreds of thousands of job opportunities, which will affect the stability of the security situation in Iraq.
    And Al-Bajari added, “The railway and land roads cost 17 billion US dollars, while the rest of the facilities will be according to the studies and investment projects that will be offered.”
    The Iraqi Ministry of Transport, with the participation of the Prime Minister, Muhammad Shia' al-Sudani, had launched the development project in the presence of the Gulf states and neighboring countries, which will link the West with the East.
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