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    New Trump super PAC ad paints DeSantis as tax hiker

    Admin Assist
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     New Trump super PAC ad paints DeSantis as tax hiker Empty New Trump super PAC ad paints DeSantis as tax hiker

    Post by Rocky Fri 02 Jun 2023, 3:08 pm

    New Trump super PAC ad paints DeSantis as tax hiker
    The ad opens with a narrator framing "Trump vs. DeSantis on taxes."

     New Trump super PAC ad paints DeSantis as tax hiker Meetthepress-101147
    May 12, 2023, 10:35 AM CDT
    By Alexandra Marquez

    The super PAC backing former President Donald Trump, MAGA Inc., is going after Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on tax policy in a new ad, calling him "not ready to be president."

    The ad opens with a narrator saying, "Trump versus DeSantis on taxes," before claiming that DeSantis supported a tax hike on middle class families while in Congress.

    Later, the narrator says, "Trump cut taxes. DeSantis tried to raise them."

    The ad is the latest in a series of commercials from MAGA Inc. that have painted DeSantis in a negative light ahead of his expected campaign for the GOP presidential nomination. The ads have called DeSantis disloyal to Trump and have accused him of wanting to cut entitlements like Social Security and Medicare.
    A super PAC backing DeSantis, Never Back Down, has also spent money on ads, but none have explicitly gone after Trump so far. The furthest Never Back Down has gone is showing a voter covering a "Trump" bumper sticker with a "DeSantis 2024" one.

    Both groups have spent millions on ads so far this year, according to AdImpact, an ad tracking firm. Never Back Down has spent $10.6 million on ads so far, slightly outpacing MAGA Inc., which has spent $9.6 million nationally so far.

      Current date/time is Mon 16 Sep 2024, 12:06 pm