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    Sudanese advisor: IMF experts report "very pessimistic"

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    Sudanese advisor: IMF experts report "very pessimistic" Empty Sudanese advisor: IMF experts report "very pessimistic"

    Post by Rocky Sat 03 Jun 2023, 6:54 am

    Sudanese advisor: IMF experts report "very pessimistic"

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    On Friday, the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, commented on what was stated in the report of the International Monetary Fund experts after a recent visit by a delegation from it to Iraq, describing it as "very pessimistic", while specifying the proportion of public expenditures in the gross domestic product.
    Saleh told the official news agency, "The International Monetary Fund stems from the rentier problems of the Iraqi economy, as the percentage of public expenditures in the Iraqi economy reaches nearly 50% of the gross domestic product."
    He added, "While the foreign reserves in which the central bank defends stability are linked to the general level of prices as a main objective of monetary policy through the bank's intervention with its operational objectives in controlling local liquidity levels and targeting growth in the money supply by using part of the foreign reserves whose source it is." Oil revenues are also in the general budget, as the monetary policy operations are embodied in the daily intervention in the exchange market with the strength and abundance of those reserves, the basis of which is the oil sector by 99%.
    And he continued, “Thus, those important foreign reserves to impose price stability depend on budget revenues from oil revenues themselves, so the correlation between monetary and fiscal policies depends in all cases on the development of the energy sector itself and the revenues achieved from high oil prices, and any fluctuations in the oil asset cycle that affect On that important connection between the two policies, i.e. fiscal and monetary.
    And he added, “Therefore, the potential deficit in the oil current account of the balance of payments and because of the unilateralism of the economy will generate a deficit gap in the general budget, which is called: the bilateral deficit, and affects the intervention capabilities of monetary policy in controlling liquidity levels to achieve price stability, and this matter requires monetary policy and politics.” Finance achieves two things together.
    He explained, “The first factor includes the intervention of monetary policy in the money market to control local liquidity levels or the money supply by applying a more stringent policy in which this time the (interest rate) tool is used strongly in order to control the growth in the monetary base and then the general money supply, which are (sterilization) policies.” additional to local liquidity, by using interest rate signals in addition to the exchange rate signal and the role of the foreign currency window.
    And he indicated, "The second matter includes fiscal policy assuming broader discipline opportunities on public expenditures, i.e. imposing financial discipline, as well as creating a development partnership with the private sector whose financial surpluses are concentrated to sustain spending on development and investment programs within the premise of the social market."
    He noted that "the report of the International Monetary Fund experts was very pessimistic, as multilateral international financial organizations usually stick to a few geopolitical and environmental factors, even if they are temporary, and issues related to developments in the international economic situation, in order to give a very sad scenario for the future of the economy."
    He stressed, "Such situations such as water issues and desertification are often linked to food security risks on the one hand, and clean uses of energy, specifically renewable energy, are linked to issues related to the environment and carbon zeroing with the issue of low demand for oil and the deterioration of its revenues globally, as the outcome of these warnings leads to an existential threat to the economy, according to reports." issued by these organisations.
    He pointed out, "Despite the foregoing, the country and its economic programs for the coming years, whether in the field of water or energy and diversifying the economy, took all these factors into account, and it is a national planning responsibility to defend the interests of sustainable development in Iraq, and there is no way out of that."

    Views 208
    Added 06/02/2023 - 5:14 PM
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