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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The region continues to "milk" the center's money... Baghdad's billions are on their way to Erbil

    Admin Assist
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    The region continues to "milk" the center's money... Baghdad's billions are on their way to Erbil Empty The region continues to "milk" the center's money... Baghdad's billions are on their way to Erbil

    Post by Rocky Tue 06 Jun 2023, 5:21 am

    [size=52]The region continues to "milk" the center's money... Baghdad's billions are on their way to Erbil[/size]
    • June 5 19:52


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    Information / special.
     The central government is preparing to send a new sum of money to the Kurdistan region. To pay the Kurds' monthly salaries, according to the lending mechanism through government banks, which was preceded by two payments estimated at 800 billion dinars.
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    The new thing that happened this time was represented by an increase in the amount sent from Baghdad to Erbil, as the number did not stop at 400 billion dinars, but rather doubled, depending on the political agreement concluded between the two governments.
    The decision of the Federal Court, which was previously issued, prevented sending any salaries or money to Kurdistan in exchange for paying all the debts incurred by it from producing and exporting oil during the previous years, but the government has taken a new path represented by Borrowing.. Is it constitutionally valid?
    Today, Monday, local media circulated news about the central government sending a new financial loan estimated at 400 billion dinars to the Kurdistan government. To pay the salaries of the region's employees, with the delay in approving the budget.
    • [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]The region continues to "milk" the center's money... Baghdad's billions are on their way to Erbil

    The Kurdistan Democratic Party revealed new details regarding the amounts of salaries of employees of the Kurdistan Region sent by the central government, while confirming that the salaries sent are part of the political agreement.
    The party's leader, Wafaa Muhammad, said in an interview with Al-Maloma agency, "The Kurdistan region agreed with the central government to receive the entire oil file for SOMO in exchange for Baghdad sending an amount of 800 billion dinars to Erbil to pay the salaries of employees."
    And he adds, "We are waiting for an amount of 800 billion dinars per month, because the region currently has no imports," noting that "Kurdistan's employees have entered the list of employees from the rest of the provinces."
    The leader of Barzani's party explains that "Kurdistan needs 960 billion dinars per month for salaries only, so it is natural for the federal government to send this amount," stressing that "the amount of 400 billion dinars will arrive soon, after which the same number will be sent again within one month.” .
    Muhammad explains, "These funds will be sent in the form of loans until the budget is approved," noting that "the revenues from selling the region's oil through SOMO are estimated at one trillion and three hundred billion dinars."
    In turn, the legal expert, Haider Al-Soufi, explained the constitutionality of the central government sending money to Kurdistan in the form of loans, while stressing that the Federal Court's decision prevented sending Kurdistan's dues except under many conditions.
    Al-Sufi affirmed, in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that "the Federal Court's decision prevents sending the dues of the Kurdistan region except after paying the debts incurred from there, or sending 400,000 barrels per day from Kurdistan."
    And he continues his speech, saying: “As for sending the salaries of the Kurdistan region in the form of loans from government banks, it is not considered a payment of dues, but rather a grant of loans,” indicating that “the Council of Ministers, according to Article 80 III of the Iraqi constitution, has the right to draw up the general policy of the state, plan, implement and supervise it, and from within the general policy and powers, lending.
    And he points out, “The government can lend to whomever it wants according to Article 110 of the constitution as well, especially as it lends to citizens and companies. It is usual to lend to a region or governorate, and it is also customary to grant advances and loans in the event of delay in approving the budget."
    Al-Sufi added, "The central government has the constitutional right to grant loans according to Article 110 of the constitution, because it is guaranteed by the shares of the Kurdistan region in the federal budget."
    And the expert shows, that "loans are not considered repayment of spending from the general budget, but are repaid when the budget is completed and its dues are paid, that is, after sending the region's share, the federal government cuts the loan amount, stressing that "granting the loan does not contradict the decision of the Federal Court."
    Sending the federal government the salaries of the Kurdistan region is necessary, given that the Kurdish people live under very difficult economic conditions. However, the money going to corrupt hands and striking the political agreements concluded between Baghdad and Erbil represents the first concern of the Kurds before the Arabs, given that any defect will affect them the people before the ruling authority. Ended / 25 R
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