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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Housing crisis.. Al-Sudani: We will provide serviced plots of land and will not suffice with complex

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Housing crisis.. Al-Sudani: We will provide serviced plots of land and will not suffice with complex Empty Housing crisis.. Al-Sudani: We will provide serviced plots of land and will not suffice with complex

    Post by Rocky Wed Jun 07, 2023 6:24 am

    Housing crisis.. Al-Sudani: We will provide serviced plots of land and will not suffice with complexes and cities 

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    Today, Tuesday, Prime Minister Muhammad Shia'a al-Sudani revealed the government's vision to solve the housing crisis.
    Al-Sudani said, during his attendance at the opening ceremony of an investment project, "The housing problem in Iraq is chronic and has faltered since the eighties of the last century.
    He added, "The government has put a solution to the housing crisis as a priority because it relates to an important humanitarian aspect," noting, "We are working on establishing factories for construction materials to contribute to the construction of residential projects. We will not be satisfied with complexes and cities, but rather we will work to provide serviced plots of land."
    He stressed that "9 percent of Iraq's population live in slums, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Planning, because of their inability to secure suitable housing," pointing out that "the government will not suffice with building residential complexes, but will work to provide serviced residential plots."
    And he stressed "the need for there to be facilities for granting loans to build housing units," pointing out that "the government is moving towards building residential cities, not just complexes, as they will be outside cities, including Baghdad."
    The Prime Minister stated, "We announced investment opportunities to build 5 residential cities, including the city of Ali Al-Wardi, which will include 70,000 units," noting that "the government will work to construct roads related to housing projects before building these projects in order to avoid what happened with the Bismayah complex."
    The Prime Minister concluded his speech by saying, "We have housing initiatives for the needy," explaining that "the housing units will be divided equally between the citizen and the state."


    Views 363
    Added 06/06/2023 - 7:34 PM
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