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    E-Vets Newsletter March 5, 2013


    Posts : 10948
    Join date : 2012-12-17
    Age : 61
    Location : Lone Star State

     E-Vets Newsletter  March 5, 2013       Empty E-Vets Newsletter March 5, 2013

    Post by Neno Tue 05 Mar 2013, 8:24 pm

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    E-Vets Newsletter

    March 5, 2013

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    Senate Committee will discuss Hazlewood Act at March 6 meeting

    Veterans Cash lottery game helps female Veterans get back on their feet

    15th Annual Veterans Summit 'Answered the Call'


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    LEGISLATURE: Measures would help Texas Veterans, service members and families

    Davis proposes boost in Vets funding

    Veterans Expo Offers Support in Fight Against Benefit Backlog

    Creating Texas Veteran business owners

    Job-Hunting Tips for Post 9/11 Veterans


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    Veterans Land Board

    Texas Military Forces

    Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board

    Texas Workforce Commission

    TexVet: Partners Across Texas

    211 Texas

    Texas Lottery Commission

    Texas Lawyers for Texas Veterans

    Please send comments or suggestions to


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    <img alt="" style="width:150px;margin:0px;border:0px solid #000000;height:151px;" height="151" width="150">

    Look for the new Veterans Cash ticket at your local retailer!


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    For information on upcoming Veterans Events in your area, please visit the

    TVC Calendar.
    <td style="border:0px transparent;background-color:#d2e6f5;color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;" bgcolor="#d2e6f5" valign="top" width="67%"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="100%" width="100%"><tr><td style="padding:0px;color:#000000;font-family:'Trebuchet MS';font-size:11px;" valign="top">

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    Senate Committee will discuss Hazlewood Act at March 6 meeting

    March 6, 2013, the Veterans Affairs and Military Installations (VAMI)
    Committee of the Texas Senate will hold a hearing focusing on state
    educational benefits for Veterans and their families.

    state benefit that will be discussed is the Hazlewood Act, which
    provides an educational benefit to Texas Veterans, and certain
    dependents or spouses of Texas Veterans, by authorizing an exemption
    from tuition and required fees to a maximum of 150 semester credit hours
    at public institutions of higher education in Texas.

    around the state have vocalized concerns that the Hazlewood Act has
    become burdensome, and they want the 83rd Texas Legislature to find a
    way to reimburse the universities for the waived tuition and fees for
    Veterans and their children.

    am committed to defending Hazlewood benefits for our Veterans and their
    families, because they have earned it,” said State Sen. Leticia Van de
    Putte, Chair of VAMI. “The ‘burden’ that Texas universities now face is
    not caused by Veterans, who have received this benefit for years. The
    burden is caused by a Legislature that cut funding to its universities.”

    to data from the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB),
    17,869 Veterans and 4,716 spouses and children of eligible Veterans
    received Hazelwood benefits during FY2011. Since the implementation of
    the Post 9/11 GI Bill in 2009, there has been a rapid increase in the
    use of both federal and state education benefits.

    budgeting is done with a cuts-only mentality, as was done in the 82nd
    Legislature, real people pay the consequences,” said Sen. Van de Putte.
    “I hope the 83rd Legislature will not decide to balance the budget on
    the backs of those who made enormous sacrifices for us, including
    military families. I think the testimony given at the March 6 hearing
    will put a human face on Hazlewood — we’ll hear directly from those who
    will be hurt if we fail to properly invest in the education of Texans.”

    to a report produced by the Legislative Budget Board (LBB), the total
    value of awards for Hazlewood Act has increased from approximately $24.7
    million in fiscal year 2009 to $71.9 million in fiscal year 2011 since
    the implementation of the Hazlewood Legacy Act in fiscal year 2010. In
    the General Appropriations Act, the budgets of
    public institutions of higher education in Texas are $7.9 billion for fiscal year 2012.

    there are approximately 28 educational benefits or exemptions available
    to Texans according to THECB, only the Hazlewood Act has come under
    scrutiny during this legislative session.

    Sergio Tristan of the Texas National Guard has created a Facebook page
    to highlight and educate the public on the benefits of the Hazlewood
    Act. (

    my opinion the numbers are irrelevant,” said Tristan. “Any reduction in
    Veteran benefits [is] incompatible with Texas values.”

    To learn more about the qualifications for the Hazlewood Act, the Hazlewood Legacy Act, or apply for the benefit, please visit

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    Veterans Cash lottery game helps female Veterans get back on their feet

    year ago, Della Lopez, a Navy Veteran, had her dream of pursuing a
    computer specialist certification tested. Her health had begun to
    deteriorate and she had chronic pain in her feet; Lopez was developing
    neuropathy. As a result, she was having trouble with daily activities,
    especially getting around from class to class. The pain was intense; she
    would soon have to quit her certification program. It was at this time
    that her academic counselor referred her to Project Mend, an
    organization in San Antonio, Texas. Project Mend provided Lopez orthotic
    shoe inserts which dramatically reduced her pain and helped her regain
    the quality of life she once had.

    got my life back," says Lopez. “If I had not been helped by Project
    Mend, I would still be waiting to hear from the VA and I still would be
    in pain.”

    is home to over 150,000 female Veterans, and as this number continues
    to grow, services directed to female Veterans must grow as well. Project
    Mend is one organization that is targeting the female Veteran
    population in South Central Texas.

    Mend is dedicated to helping low-income Veterans with
    disabilities obtain medical equipment and financial assistance to help
    with the purchase of assistive technologies medically necessary for
    rehabilitation and recovery. They serve Texas Veterans in San Antonio
    and the surrounding counties. Since July 2011, through a grant from
    Texas Veterans Commission Fund for Veterans’ Assistance (FVA), they have
    served a total of 89 Veterans with specialized assistive technology
    devices, as of July 2012.

    FVA program awards reimbursement grants in two categories: FVA General
    Assistance Grants and Housing4TexasHeroes. Both categories offer funding
    to non-profit and local government organizations to provide direct
    services to Texas Veterans and their families. To date, TVC has provided
    over $26.9 million in 120 grants to 85 local government and non-profit
    organizations to help serve over 135,000 Veterans and their family

    The Fund for Veterans’ Assistance program is funded through four primary sources: (1) Veterans Cash lottery scratch-off game; (2) Vehicle registrations;
    (3) Donations either online or by check; and (4) State Employee
    Charitable Campaign. The Housing4 Texas Heroes grant is funded through
    the Housing Trust Fund.

    is important for people to know where the dollars come from to support
    the FVA grants and those Veterans who are helped,” said Kathy Valdez,
    Executive Director of Project Mend. “The funds from the Veterans Cash game are vital to our community because every person you meet in San Antonio, Texas, has some connection to a Veteran."

    The newest $2 Veterans Cash
    scratch-off game was released February 25, 2013. The game has generated
    millions of dollars for the FVA since the game’s introduction in
    November 2009. Veterans Cash is the primary source of funding
    for the FVA. The FVA awards these funds to organizations statewide and
    ensures the funds are being utilized to directly assist Texas Veterans
    and their families.

    "Helping people is what I do. Without the funds from Veterans Cash, I would be unemployable," said Lopez.

    More information about the FVA and organizations receiving grants can be found at

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    15th Annual Veterans Summit 'Answered the Call'

    February 11-13, the Texas Veterans Commission hosted the 15th Annual
    Veterans Summit at the Palmer Events Center in Austin, Texas. During
    this three-day event, attendees heard from state, local, and federal
    officials on Veterans’ issues, attended Veteran advocate panels, and
    learned about programs and benefits available to Veterans in Texas.

    theme, "Answering the Call," echoed throughout the Summit as
    approximately 400 attendees and 80 exhibitors went to seminars and
    panels that included topics of discussion such as claims, employment and
    education benefits; women Veterans; Veteran entrepreneurship and
    business ownership; criminal justice; mental health; and social media.

    didn't wait when your country asked you to serve, and you shouldn't
    have to wait for your benefits,” said keynote speaker Lt. Gov. David
    Dewhurst. “You [Veterans] more than deserve it, you’ve earned it."

    <img alt="Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst addresses attendees during his keynote speech Feb. 13." style="margin:0px;border:0px solid #0f5183;" title="Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst addresses attendees during his keynote speech Feb. 13.">

    Summit also featured intensive workshops and seminars on Monday,
    February 11. A Veteran Entrepreneur Seminar provided information to
    Veteran entrepreneurs
    on funding sources, mentors, marketing strategies, securing federal
    contracts and more. Non-profit organizations and Veterans Service
    Organizations that provide services to Texas Veterans and their families
    were able to attend two workshops: (1) Planning for Program Evaluation
    and Grant Reporting; and (2) Understanding Strategic Alliances: A
    Continuum. Also a Women Veterans “Get-to-Work” Seminar & Workshop
    focused on personal finances, budgeting, community service programs,
    employment, and education.

    Veterans Expo ran as well on February 12-13. On Tuesday, the Expo
    opened at 1:00 p.m. and featured over 80 state, local, and federal
    agencies; Veterans organizations, banks, colleges, and companies that
    provide Veteran-specific services for Veterans and their families.
    Participants included the Texas Veterans Land Board (VLB), the U.S.
    Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), USAA, Veterans of Foreign Wars,
    TexVet, Red Cross, Dell, Toyota, U.S. Department of Defense, University
    of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M University, and many more.

    February 13, Veterans could also attend a Beating the VA Backlog clinic
    as well as Employment and Education clinics where staff from the Texas
    Veterans Commission was available to provide direct, one-on-one
    assistance to Veterans. Over 150 Veterans received information on
    pending claims with VA, employment services, and education benefits.

    will do whatever it can to support Veterans and military members and
    their families," said TVC Executive Director Thomas P. Palladino.

    For pictures from the 15th Annual Veterans Summit, please visit TVC's Facebook page,

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    About the Texas Veterans Commission

    Texas Veterans Commission is a state agency committed to ensuring all
    Veterans within the state of Texas receive the maximum benefits earned
    as a result of their service to their country. We provide superior
    service to Veterans in the areas of claims assistance, employment
    services, education benefits and reimbursement grants that significantly
    improve the quality of life of Texas Veterans and their families.


      Current date/time is Tue 14 Jan 2025, 8:00 pm