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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Parliamentary Finance Committee identifies the most important laws presented to the House of Rep

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277783
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary - The Parliamentary Finance Committee identifies the most important laws presented to the House of Rep Empty The Parliamentary Finance Committee identifies the most important laws presented to the House of Rep

    Post by Rocky Fri 23 Jun 2023, 4:20 am

    [size=46]The Parliamentary Finance Committee identifies the most important laws presented to the House of Representatives for the coming period[/size]
    18:20 - 2023-06-22
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    Today, Thursday, the Parliamentary Finance Committee identified the most important priority laws presented to Parliament, which is expected to be approved for the coming period, while clarifying its position on implementing the budget after its approval by the Presidency of the Republic.
    A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Mustafa Al-Karawi, said in a press interview, "With regard to the issue of approving the budget, the committee will follow up on the implementation of its items, problems and observations that have been fixed on the relevant ministries and departments."
    He added, "It is assumed that there will be sub-committees to follow up the work of the ministries, so that we can cover the issue of monitoring, the most important of which are banks, border crossings, customs, and the Ministry of Finance in general." 

    He pointed out, "Parliament will discuss a number of important laws, including the law for people with disabilities by the Labor Committee, laws related to foreign agreements and other responsibility of the Foreign Relations Committee, in addition to the presence of many laws that were returned to the government during the first and second legislative seasons, and it is hoped that they will be sent again." Others to parliament to read and vote on,” stressing that “the most important laws that are now under discussion are oil and gas and people with disabilities.”

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