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    Al-Aqili: The oil and gas law is the country's safety valve

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Al-Aqili: The oil and gas law is the country's safety valve Empty Al-Aqili: The oil and gas law is the country's safety valve

    Post by Rocky Sun 02 Jul 2023, 9:42 am

    [size=52]Al-Aqili: The oil and gas law is the country's safety valve[/size]
    • Today 17:00

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    Sabah al-Ugaili, a political analyst, considered, on Sunday, that approving the oil and gas law will be Iraq's safety valve in the next stage, while stressing that passing the law will work to end all crises that occur regarding the export of Kurdistan's oil.
    Al-Aqili said in an interview with the information agency, "The approval of the law will redraw the road map for the distribution of wealth among all components," noting that "there is a preliminary agreement between the political blocs on the need to pass the oil and gas law in conjunction with the approval of the general budget law.”
    And he went on: "Parliament will work to create an atmosphere that precedes the agreement of the political forces to approve the oil and gas law," noting that "passing the law will work to end all crises that occur regarding the export of oil. "
    Regarding the importance of passing the law under the dome of parliament, Al-Aqili explains: "Voting on the oil and gas law will be the country's safety valve during the next stage," pointing out that "it will lead to work on removing many Obstacles facing the work of governments or the movement of their formation.
    A member of the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee, Intisar Al-Jazaery, confirmed in an interview with Al-Maalouma Agency, that "the Parliamentary Oil and Gas Committee is determined to approve the region's oil law immediately after the legislative recess of Parliament, adding that the Kurdish parties, after passing many paragraphs, have surrendered to the fait accompli.” On the extraction and export of oil. Ended 25 / y

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