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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Soon...a delegation from the region will visit Baghdad with an "important law"

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Soon...a delegation from the region will visit Baghdad with an "important law" Empty Soon...a delegation from the region will visit Baghdad with an "important law"

    Post by Rocky Tue 11 Jul 2023, 4:16 am

    Soon...a delegation from the region will visit Baghdad with an "important law"

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    Baghdad today - Erbil
    Today, Monday, an official source in the Kurdistan Regional Government revealed that a delegation from the region visited the capital, Baghdad, to discuss the oil and gas law with the federal government.
    The source told "Baghdad Today", that: "A delegation from the Kurdistan government will visit Baghdad next week to discuss with the federal government on the oil and gas law."
    He added that "a joint committee has been formed from both sides, including a group of experts, and they have gone a long way in discussing what is related to the aforementioned law."
    According to the source, the Iraqi parliament has so far completed 70 percent of the work of the oil and gas law.
    Yesterday, Sunday, the second legislative term of Parliament began, and the Presidency of the House of Representatives instructed all parliamentary committees to carry out their work and legislative and oversight tasks, to study draft laws submitted to them and to ripen their paragraphs for submission to the Presidency of the Council, in order to include them on the agenda of the upcoming sessions, pointing out that the first session of the legislative term The second, will be held next Saturday.
    Official circles are waiting for the start of a new phase of the journey to resolve the fate of the draft oil and gas law, as one of the most controversial laws after 2003. The renewed oil dispute between Baghdad and Erbil in each government was a cause of political estrangement at times and turned into part of the settlement files built on Its basis is a fragile relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan region.
    The oil and gas law is a pending file, so as soon as an interim agreement saw the light - as happened before the formation of the government - the draft law was left in the drawers of Parliament.
    On February 15, 2022, the Federal Supreme Court ruled that the private oil and gas law in the regional government was unconstitutional. The decision also stipulated that the oil contracts concluded by the Kurdistan government with oil companies, parties, and foreign countries are invalid.
    The oil and gas law in Iraq, which has been awaiting legislation in Parliament since 2005, stipulates that the management of all oil fields in the country must be under the responsibility of a national oil company under the supervision of a specialized federal council.
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