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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentary Finance: We made observations to reduce the budget deficit from 61 to 15 trillion dina

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    Parliamentary Finance: We made observations to reduce the budget deficit from 61 to 15 trillion dina Empty Parliamentary Finance: We made observations to reduce the budget deficit from 61 to 15 trillion dina

    Post by day dreamer Fri 26 Sep 2014, 11:17 pm

    09/26/2014 21:16
    [ltr]Parliamentary Finance: We made observations to reduce the budget deficit from 61 to 15 trillion dinars

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    [ltr]BAGHDAD / Obelisk: A member of the Finance Committee MP Haitham al-Jubouri, on Friday, that the value of the deficit in the 2014 budget of 61 trillion dinars, indicating that the Committee submitted its observations to the Ministry of Finance include measures to reduce the deficit to 15 trillion dinars.
    Jubouri said in an interview for "obelisk" that "the current year budget in 2014 includes a deficit of $ 61 trillion dinars what marks the beginning of the collapse of Iraq's economy," noting that "the Budget Committee, which was formed in the first sessions of the current parliament proved a number of actions that must be taken Government in order to reduce the amount of the deficit. "
     He added that "the Commission has examined those measures that would reduce the amount of the deficit to 15 trillion dinars, and include reducing spending and continuing interest in the projects."
     A source familiar with earlier for "obelisk", "The government will be held on Saturday an extraordinary session to discuss the general budget of the country and that the Minister of Finance Agency confirmed that all the observations made by the parliamentary committees on the budget will take by the Council of Ministers."
    The House of Representatives had previously failed to approve the 2014 budget, and he repeated several times to the Council of Ministers to make adjustments, but the session ended and it was decided to postpone the current session, which in turn forwarded to the government to make amendments to them in preparation for approval.
     And beyond the budget of 2014 filed by the Council of Ministers for a 145 billion dollar deficit of nearly 35 billion dollars calculates the price of a barrel of oil to $ 90 and the export of 2.9 million barrels per day.
     According to economic reports that Iraq and after the control of the organization Daash terrorist on the provinces of Nineveh, Salahuddin and some regions in Kirkuk, Diyala and Anbar bought weapons and military equipment and ammunition worth 120 billion dollars, in addition to the costs of adapting the recruits for war Daash and the costs of subsidy and help displaced in Kurdistan and the rest of the provinces.

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