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    Parliamentary Committee: Foreign workers transfer 300 million dollars a month to their countries

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentary - Parliamentary Committee: Foreign workers transfer 300 million dollars a month to their countries Empty Parliamentary Committee: Foreign workers transfer 300 million dollars a month to their countries

    Post by Rocky Sat 29 Jul 2023, 5:11 am

    [size=52]Parliamentary Committee: Foreign workers transfer 300 million dollars a month to their countries[/size]
    • Today 11:17

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    Information / Baghdad.. 
    The Parliamentary Labor and Social Affairs Committee revealed, on Saturday, that quick measures had been taken to determine the transfers of foreign workers with the governor of the Central Bank. 
    The deputy head of the committee, Hussein Arab, said in an interview with Al-Maalouma agency that "the monthly transfer rate of this labor abroad is more than 300 million dollars per month." 
    He added, "Most of the money that comes out of Iraq is legal," noting that "measures must be taken to revive the economy and stop the depletion of hard currency as a result of the presence of foreign workers." 
    He stressed that "his committee will discuss the file of foreign workers' remittances with the governor of the Central Bank," noting that large numbers of foreign workers entered Iraq by illegal means and in violation of the law and controls. 
    And a member of the Parliamentary Labor and Social Affairs Committee, Nasik Mahdi Al-Zanki, had called on the government and the competent authorities to put an end to the influx of foreign workers of various Arab and Asian nationalities, revealing that there are one million foreign workers in the country. End 25
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