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    Parliamentary finance determines a factor to reduce the exchange rate

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary finance determines a factor to reduce the exchange rate Empty Parliamentary finance determines a factor to reduce the exchange rate

    Post by Rocky Wed 23 Aug 2023, 7:17 am

    [size=45][size=41]Parliamentary finance determines a factor to reduce the exchange rate[/size]
     6 hours ago

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    The Parliamentary Finance Committee stressed, today, Wednesday, the implementation of a number of measures in order to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar, whether they are technical or related to the central bank and its procedures.
    Committee member Mueen Al-Kazemi said, according to the official newspaper, that “the important factor for the decline in the dollar exchange rate is the simplification of the central bank’s procedures for merchants to urge them to resort to the currency window and not go to the parallel market that caused the high exchange rate, in addition to simplifying the procedures for granting sums to Iraqi travelers.” instead of the current method.
    Al-Kadhimi added, “Another problem must be discussed with the US Federal Reserve regarding the countries from which the Iraqi merchant imports and does not grant a transfer to them, given that there is a national interest for the Iraqi people with this import.”
    And on some technical matters, the committee member called for “consideration of simplifying the issue of tax that can be deducted in the central bank instead of reviewing the tax departments and entering into a complex routine.”
    He stressed that "all these matters must be followed up by consulting the private sector, which is basically the root of the problem in order to obtain positive results."
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