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    Abadi's office waiting for the financial figures to discuss the budget today and anticipate the laun

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    Abadi's office waiting for the financial figures to discuss the budget today and anticipate the laun Empty Abadi's office waiting for the financial figures to discuss the budget today and anticipate the laun

    Post by Rocky Tue 30 Sep 2014, 4:28 am

    Abadi's office waiting for the financial figures to discuss the budget today and anticipate the launch of the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan 

    Without many details, most likely deputies from the Kurdistan Alliance and the media in Arbil, to witness the meeting of the Council of Ministers in Baghdad on Tuesday, an order regardless of the salaries of two employees of the Kurdistan region, delayed since last February, while stressing the Director of the Office of Haider Abadi, that the government is waiting for the arrival of numbers and data necessary in the budget of the Ministry of Finance, in order to be included in the meeting, pointing out that in the event of delay in these numbers will be assigned another date.
    If the government passed amendments to the budget, it is significant that this relatively dilute the financial crisis in the whole country, not only in Kurdistan, where he suffered private and public sectors of rigidity throughout the year, because of a failure to approve the budget and austerity war and military collapses.
    The Cabinet had for its exceptional to discuss the budget and its problems last Saturday, which was parked on the completion of the final accounts by the Ministry of Finance.
    And suggested Kurdish sources and media in Arbil, on Monday, to witness the meeting of the federal government on Tuesday, a decision of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, regardless salaries monthly in September and August to the staff of the Kurdistan region, after hitting a Kurdish delegation headed by the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Rose Nuri Shaways , to Baghdad on Sunday evening, the visit is crucial, aiming to meet Abadi, aimed at ending the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil.
    The director of the Office of the Prime Minister Mahdi Keywords in an interview with the "long", said the inclusion of the federal budget on the agenda of the Cabinet meeting Tuesday, depends on sending some figures by the Ministry of Finance. And that "is supposed to provide financial figures relating to the expenses of the past months and the other, on Tuesday morning to the Council of Ministers to be able to be included and discussed."
    And on the existence of an agreement on the salaries of the staff of Kurdistan, and the possibility of its launch, Keywords refused to give details, saying only that the subject "is located within the file federal budget for 2014."
    The Abadi said at a joint news conference with the leader of the Supreme Council Ammar al-Hakim, who returned from a visit to the Kurdistan region recently, "that the Kurdistan Alliance and we went back with the participation of ministers, after he visited al-Hakim, the Kurdistan region, and file search with them," he said, adding that they had "indicated that there is a review of the names of their ministers and this is theirs and we are waiting for their participation, and we are working with them in the light of the Constitution and the national partnership. "
    In this context, the President of the Kurdistan block change Hoshyar Abdullah that "the Kurdish delegation negotiating offline in Baghdad to discuss the issue of the salaries of the staff and budget of Kurdistan and the Kurds to return Minister Cab government."
    Abdullah said in a statement to the "long", it is hoped that raising the issue of the launch of the salaries of the staff of Kurdistan, in a session on Tuesday inside the Council of Ministers, "noting that the solution to this issue is necessary at this time to resolving a lot of files." For his part, between the Kurdistan Alliance MP Mohsen Saadoun told the "term", that all the political forces and Kurdish expect from the Prime Minister issuing critical decisions in the Cabinet meeting scheduled for the launch of the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan region have been stalled for several months. "He Sadoun that" the issue cut the salaries of the staff of Kurdistan by the previous government, the decision was illegal and unconstitutional, "expected a decision by the Council of Ministers before the holiday to send employees' salaries."
    He stressed that "the launch of the employees' salaries would be a gesture to resolving all outstanding issues between the province and the federal government."
    And directly on the possibility of the Kurds in the cabinet and ministries answered the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party that "the Federal Parliament in the case of a vacation now and can not minister Kurds swearing", ruling out their presence at the meeting of the Council of Ministers to this day. "
    He added that "The issue of the return of ministers to the cab will be postponed until after the Eid al-Adha holiday until the session of the House of Representatives to enable them to perform the constitutional oath."
    He pointed out that "the Kurds did not get ministerial entitlement in the current government, which was not in line with their size in parliament and represented by (65) seats," adding that the negotiations are still ongoing in this regard and did not get the other ministries to now. "
    He noted that "the salaries of the Peshmerga will not launch with the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan because they need to separate negotiations with the federal government and resolved."
    The media quoted Kurdish for more than one source and deputies, al-Abadi said the government will hold a meeting Tuesday to discuss the general budget for 2014, and will include an order regardless of the salaries of August and September before Eid, which marks the beginning of the week.
    A member of Iraq's parliament Masood Haider, the station Rudaw Kurdish, "The Iraqi Council of Ministers held a meeting to discuss the general budget for the year 2014, and based on the so called parliament's finance committee meeting emergency with Haider al-Abadi," he said, adding that he will be raising the issue of the salaries of the staff of the Kurdistan region during Meeting with Prime Minister of Iraq, which will be held today for the night.
    As mentioned Kurdistan Alliance MP, Arafat Karam, said in a statement reported by the stations Kurdish, too, that "the Iraqi central government has agreed to pay the salaries of the staff of the region for the months of August and September before the holiday of Eid al-Adha, while the rest of the salaries will be debated at a later time," stressing that " This move by the central government, a sign of goodwill toward the Kurdish demands. "
    Karam added, "The Kurdish delegation to visit Baghdad in the first place gave priority to the issue of salaries," pointing out that "the rest of the issues such as the dispute over the ministries and other things," will be resolved after the holiday of Eid al-Adha. "

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