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    An economist showing the possibility of exporting fuel outside Iraq

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    An economist showing the possibility of exporting fuel outside Iraq Empty An economist showing the possibility of exporting fuel outside Iraq

    Post by Rocky Thu 07 Sep 2023, 5:29 am

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    [size=52]An economist showing the possibility of exporting fuel outside Iraq[/size]
    • Today 08:40


    Information / Baghdad... 
    Economic affairs researcher Muhammad Al-Saadi explained, on Thursday, the extent to which the government could move towards exporting fuel outside the country and not be content with exporting crude oil only. 
    Al-Saadi told Al-Malooma, "Iraq produces more than 4 million barrels of crude oil per day, of which about 3,500,000 barrels are exported, while more than 700,000 barrels remain to be used internally." 
    He added, "The remaining quantities in the country can be utilized and converted into gasoline and kerosene fuel, to cover the country's internal needs, as well as the possibility of exporting part of it abroad, provided that oil refineries are established in each governorate with the aim of achieving self-sufficiency in fuel and not resorting to importing fuel and materials involved in the process." its production.” 
    And he indicated that "the Parliamentary Oil Committee has made it clear in the past days that some provinces have suffered from fuel scarcity, especially Dhi Qar due to the delay in the arrival of fuel-added materials from the Emirates, while the possession of each province of its own refinery can end the process of importing fuel and transform Iraq From an importing country to a source of oil derivatives, which will bring large revenues to the state treasury. ended 25 n
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