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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    From Erbil.. Al-Handal announces the opening of the “Iraqi Banking Conference in the Kurdistan Regio

    Admin Assist
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    From Erbil.. Al-Handal announces the opening of the “Iraqi Banking Conference in the Kurdistan Regio Empty From Erbil.. Al-Handal announces the opening of the “Iraqi Banking Conference in the Kurdistan Regio

    Post by Rocky Sat Oct 21, 2023 7:54 am

    From Erbil.. Al-Handal announces the opening of the “Iraqi Banking Conference in the Kurdistan Region”

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The head of the Iraqi Private Banks Association, Wadih Al-Handal, announced today, Saturday, the launch of the “Iraqi Banking Conference in the Kurdistan Region.”
    Al-Handal said in his speech: “I am pleased to welcome you with the warmest welcome from Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan region, and to convey to you my greetings, my brothers and colleagues, the chairmen of the boards of directors of private banks, the authorized directors and the executive management of the Iraqi Private Banks Association (the Iraqi Banking Conference in the Kurdistan Region) under its generous patronage.” From the Prime Minister of the Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, and announced the opening of the conference for its work on 10/21/2023.
    He added: “Today, through the sessions of this conference, we will focus on important topics, including: - 
    - The role of the banking sector in supporting growth and stimulating investment, and the importance of transforming the country into an attractive environment for internal and external investments in all sectors, and the great opportunities available in this field and innovative solutions that will Activating the private sector, and we will also address the obstacles that hinder this goal, including providing the necessary financing for investment projects and the consequent provision of job opportunities and growth in the private sector to alleviate the continuing pressure on the government’s operating expenses, which is a matter to which we must pay great attention. ".
    - We will also discuss the duty of developing the banking sector for its international relations, the role of the Central Bank in this field, and the plans drawn up to reform, improve and equip the banking sector to be able to meet the future demand for diverse banking services and to be a strong alternative to the government banking sector in a way that is more organized, flexible, and in keeping with the latest international standards in Compliance, anti-money laundering, technology adoption, and human capacity development.”

    Al-Handal continued, “In light of the great acceleration of events and challenges in the world, there has recently been a major development in the field of the structure of the banking sector, through the plans drawn up by the Central Bank of Iraq and clear government programs for digital transformation on both sides of transactions and payments, and through the continued implementation of these plans.” At a rapid pace, this will produce significant positive results that will significantly impact the economy of our country.”
    Al-Handal concluded his speech by saying: “We aspire to emerge from this conference with a common and future vision based on the importance of unifying efforts in order to improve the reality of the economy and improve the standard of living of the people of our country.”


    Added 10/21/2023 - 10:37 AM
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