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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Sudanese Advisor: 50% of the initial designs for the Development Road Project have been completed

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    Sudanese Advisor: 50% of the initial designs for the Development Road Project have been completed Empty Sudanese Advisor: 50% of the initial designs for the Development Road Project have been completed

    Post by Rocky Fri 10 Nov 2023, 1:51 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Sudanese Advisor: 50% of the initial designs for the Development Road Project have been completed[/size]
    • Today 18:36

    Advisor to the Prime Minister for Transport Affairs, Nasser Saleh Al-Asadi, confirmed today, Friday, that the cooperation agreement with ICAO is a gateway to lifting the ban on Iraqi aviation, while indicating that the completion rate of the initial designs for the development road has risen to 50 percent.
    Al-Asadi said, “The signing of the cooperation agreement with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) yesterday, Thursday, is an important stage in the preparations for lifting the ban on Iraqi aviation,” noting that “ICAO is the international aviation organization and is responsible for air safety and aviation licensing in the world".
    He added, "It is important to communicate with ICAO," noting that "the agreement is a gateway to lifting the flight ban."
    Regarding the development of Baghdad Airport, Al-Asadi confirmed that “there is an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to study the designs that will be presented to investors in developing Baghdad Airport,” pointing out that “procedures are underway to determine the requirements on the basis of which investors will participate in developing Baghdad Airport and determine what These are the activities that the investor will undertake.
    He stated, "It was agreed that the development of the airport building would be in stages that include its infrastructure, the process of transporting bags, the entry and exit of passengers, and entertainment activities such as restaurants and rest areas," explaining, "The system at Baghdad Airport has become old and must be renewed."
    He stated, “The IFC is a solid institution that has the expertise and competence to prepare designs.”
    Regarding the development path, Al-Asadi stated that “a great deal has been made in the field of the development path,” pointing out that “the fifth meeting with the Italian designer included a re-evaluation of the feasibility study and a discussion of the development path slogan, where the consultant presented very important information and it was discussed with the Prime Minister.” ".
    He pointed out, "The local interest figures that come from products carried on trains or the road have been adjusted," expecting that "road revenues will be 4-5 billion dollars annually."
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