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    Baghdad municipalities announce the imminent launch of electronic application for lands

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Baghdad municipalities announce the imminent launch of electronic application for lands Empty Baghdad municipalities announce the imminent launch of electronic application for lands

    Post by Rocky Sun 19 Nov 2023, 7:00 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Baghdad municipalities announce the imminent launch of electronic application for lands[/size]
    • Today 11:16

    During the coming period, the Directorate of Municipalities of the Outskirts of Baghdad will launch electronic submission for land plots via the Ur platform, while it is working to prepare mechanisms for organizing cities according to the new map.
    The director of the municipalities of the outskirts, Yasser Al-Quraishi, said in a statement seen by “Al-Ma’lamouma” that his directorate, “with the aim of eliminating red tape or any financial or administrative corruption that may accompany the registration process on plots of land, coordinated with the Baghdad Governorate and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers so that registration would be via the Ur electronic platform.” .
    Al-Quraishi added, “Under this platform, the citizen will receive a serial number after submitting his application electronically, followed by contacting him by phone during the distribution,” noting that the 16 municipal departments received about one and a half million transactions to obtain plots of land, distributed among 20 categories included, They are the category of employees, federations and syndicates, in addition to families of martyrs, political prisoners, victims of terrorism and military personnel, in addition to those covered by social protection.” 
    In the same context, Al-Quraishi explained that the directorate “holds continuous meetings with the relevant authorities, in order to establish mechanisms for organizing cities according to the new map, especially After implementing Resolution No. 320 of 2023 regarding ownership of agricultural lands, it is also coordinating with the relevant authorities in order to introduce construction materials for restoration purposes in residential complexes according to the instructions of the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in addition to instructing all municipal institutions to establish attractive commercial and entertainment centers, and numbering floors and shops. Commercial, new streets and alleys that will be constructed.” End/25

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