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    Next Tuesday .. discuss the final report of the 2014 budget

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Next Tuesday .. discuss the final report of the 2014 budget  Empty Next Tuesday .. discuss the final report of the 2014 budget

    Post by day dreamer Sat 11 Oct 2014, 10:33 pm

    Next Tuesday .. discuss the final report of the 2014 budget

    10/12/2014 0:00

    BAGHDAD - Alaa al-Tai
      Discusses the Council of Ministers in its meeting to be held next Tuesday's budget report last year, 2014 and forwarded to the Parliament for a vote.
    The director of the Office of the Prime Minister Mahdi Keywords Speaking »Sabah», he is scheduled to hold a cabinet its the day after tomorrow «Tuesday» to discuss the report prepared recently by the relevant committee about the budget year of 2014, which includes the change data and budget figures that can be of authentication through the Council of Ministers and forwarded to the parliament for approval.
    He added that the cabinet will discuss the report of the Ministry of Finance concerning the state budget, which includes figures related entitlements federal budget revenues from the export of oil from the Kurdistan region, noting that the budget approval will allow the launch of the amounts allocated for the implementation of service projects stalled in government departments and institutions.
    In a related context, student director general of planning and follow-up in the Ministry of Transport, Samir al-Karkhi, Parliament to expedite the adoption of the budget in order for the Ministry of implementation of projects stalled and the launch of the amounts allocated to them, amounting trillion and 500 billion Danar.ocd in a statement »morning», said the building projects ports, ships, airports and Rehabilitation rail lines and other strategic projects stalled due to delay in approving the budget and the lack of financial allocations to them.
    In the view of Congress that approving the budget is a major challenge to the government bypassed the Parliament and success in this challenge to deliver a good picture of the international organizations and the International Monetary Fund about the performance of the current parliament and the government. The Commission was tasked to hold the amendments to the budget, completed the majority of the amendments on the draft federal budget for 2014, to discuss the project in the Council of Ministers and forwarded to the House of Representatives after the Eid al-Adha and approved by the parliament as soon as possible.
    And confirms the politicians and observers in economic affairs that there are some practical problems surrounding the budget year, the current caused by variables security and a state of war against Daash which were not previously existed on the scene, which led to exchange large amounts exceeded the level of emergency budget which was formed 2 percent than the exchange in this war and in turn led to the delay in approving the budget for the current year.
    They noted that the approval would not be feasible, especially as the majority of the amounts allocated for investment projects disbursed to the gates were not classified them cover the costs of the war and the money that has been spent for the displaced and others, which led to the creation of an economic crisis and created financial burdens.


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    Interacting Investor
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    Next Tuesday .. discuss the final report of the 2014 budget  Empty Re: Next Tuesday .. discuss the final report of the 2014 budget

    Post by weslin3 Sat 11 Oct 2014, 11:19 pm

    Lets just hope the PM, Abadi will survive his illness or injury to get this done.

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