Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Planning Minister: Our priorities for the next phase to activate the private sector and rural develo

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Planning Minister: Our priorities for the next phase to activate the private sector and rural develo Empty Planning Minister: Our priorities for the next phase to activate the private sector and rural develo

    Post by Rocky Mon 13 Oct 2014, 8:08 am

    Planning Minister: Our priorities for the next phase to activate the private sector and rural development in Iraq 

    Independent / - Minister of Planning, Dr. Salman al-Jumaili on the delicate situation that Iraq is going through requires everyone synergies and solidarity in order to face the big challenges especially on the economic side.
    He added Jumaili upon receiving Gentlemen agents and general managers in the ministry to offer congratulations on the occasion of Eid al-Adha .. that the task undertaken by the Ministry of Planning a big task for the sizeable and is able to perform this task because it has become a beta of experience and outstanding efficiency that make it the subject of respect and appreciation among other ministries and that voice has to be heard, especially in times of crisis .. stressing that Ataatm to cope with the crisis except through proper planning.
    The minister said in a news item posted on the Ministry of Planning-mail and seen by the (independent), said the ministry should put its priorities for the next phase is consistent with the orientations of the state as part of a government program to be able to build the future of Iraq as required and according to what Iraq has the potential of economic and human. . indicating that the economic challenges is not easy at all, so it has to be thinking and planning for how to promote the private sector and make it a key partner for the public sector in the construction process of development .. stressing the need to promote the sector, rural areas through rural development and reduction of migration to the cities, which led to a decline in the contribution of The agricultural sector in GDP by about a remarkable and dangerous.
    He called on His Excellency the Minister to the need for awareness campaigns going on for the citizens to make them sympathetic to the decisions taken by the Government to address the problems of economic and Shan this awareness to help turn ideas and visions of economic decisions and policies on the ground .. He pointed out that economic policies must take into account the spatial development Ka counties and cities, and has features that qualify to be a place for this project or that. (End) ..

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