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    Analysis: Is The United States leads the world in the future production of hydrocarbons?

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    Analysis: Is The United States leads the world in the future production of hydrocarbons? Empty Analysis: Is The United States leads the world in the future production of hydrocarbons?

    Post by Rocky Fri 17 Oct 2014, 9:39 am

    Analysis: Is The United States leads the world in the future production of hydrocarbons?

    October 16, 2014

    New York - AFP: United States seems destined to shift Saudi Arabia and Russia for their occupation top of the standings between the producers of liquid fuels around the world, but the recent fall of crude oil prices may curb its inception. 
    still Russia , Saudi Arabia, of course Mottagdmtin a large margin at the level of crude oil production alone. Has put forth respectively 10.6 million barrels and 9.7 million barrels a day in September compared to 8.8 million for the United States, according to several official sources. 
    , but the addition of liquefied natural gas, it seems the production of liquid fuels in America, the country's largest consumers of crude oil in the world, since months, equivalent to the width of Saudi, but may overtake soon. 
    Thanks to the boom last oil is traditional, extracted the United States is equivalent to 11.6 million barrels a day in June and 11.6 million in August / August, according to figures from the International Energy Agency. 
    considered Francisco Blanche, Director research on raw materials has «Bank of America», said the United States «already ranked first» in the first half of the year. 
    said «It's by far the biggest and the fastest pace of growth of production in the history of the United States», pointing out that «the display in twenties or thirties or forties of the last century was growing at a rate of one million barrels a day each decade, but today is increasing every year! » 
    Since recording the lowest levels of oil production American in 2008, when the country was mired in financial crisis, returned production to record a significant increase by almost 60% . 
    leaving this enormous rise in supply without results. He noted James Williams, an expert in «W. T RGV Economics», that «the cut imports» crude oil foreign «along with the higher exports of refined products, the American abroad, translated de facto abundance largest gold lions in the rest of the world.» 
    and approaching sales refined materials from abroad in record numbers back to 40 years ago. He drew Williams to this prosperity «accompanied by a setback in global growth, official significantly from the current decline in prices» Global. 
    spite of geopolitical tensions acute, deteriorated crude oil prices by about 25% since June in New York and London as well. 
    fell dependency United States to the outside in the energy sector to a large extent, which led, according to some analysts to disengagement of the country in the international arena, particularly in the Middle East. 
    For the first time since 1973, is not imported any drop of oil Nigerian in July to the land of America. 
    said Williams « There is no longer any reason to buy it because the basins Bakken (North Dakota) and the Eagle Ford and Bermaan (Texas) provide all we need of light crude oil ». 
    Within this framework of surplus production, the part of the oil sector and Vice Americans are asking the question of the existence of a ban on exports of crude oil American back to the seventies, but the terms and conditions with the exception of Canada. 
    considered Consultancy Office «Wood Mackenzie» he «will not get a major coup in the current policy» but «to make amendments gradual» (types of crude stainless export destination countries) is possible. 
    's exports of crude oil America 420 000 barrels per day in early October, the highest level since 1957, it was soon reach historic levels. 
    However, this situation may not always be, what the experts say. Vahadjm limited resources may lead, according to the International Energy Agency to a persisting for the production of American as of 2020. 
    drew Williams to the «revolution hydrocarbons stone is the result of the evolution of techniques like drilling horizontal or cracker water, as well as rising prices, which authorizes funding». 
    considered Blanche that investments States in the oil sector have not reported in the previous current levels (200 billion dollars in 2013), the equivalent of almost residential investment. 
    warned Williams he «if prices fell also by 10, or $ 15», will no longer invest basins fossil fuels «profitable and will end the growth of our production ».

      Current date/time is Tue 10 Sep 2024, 9:55 am