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    Iraq ranks first with the cheapest gasoline prices in the world

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Iraq ranks first with the cheapest gasoline prices in the world Empty Iraq ranks first with the cheapest gasoline prices in the world

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Jan 2024, 5:05 am

    Iraq ranks first with the cheapest gasoline prices in the world

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    Economy News _ Baghdad
    Iraq moved up one place in the list of the cheapest countries in the world with gasoline prices, reaching 13th place, while Iran topped the countries with the cheapest price, reaching $0.029 per liter.
    Al-Eqtisad News reviewed data from the Global Petroleum Press website, which also showed that Libya came in second place with $0.031 per liter, then Venezuela with $0.035 per liter, and Kuwait came fourth with $0.341 per liter.
    According to these data, Iraq ranked 13th with a price of $0.572 per liter, while Qatar ranked 14th with a price of $0.577 per liter, while Oman ranked 17th with a price of $0.621 per liter, while Colombia ranked 42nd with a price that reached $1.052 per litre.
    Monaco and Hong Kong ranked last with the cheapest gasoline prices in the world.

    Views 39
    Added 01/28/2024 - 11:20 AM
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