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    Türkiye bargains with Iraq for water, and Baghdad searches for a solution with “SDF”

    Admin Assist
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    Türkiye bargains with Iraq for water, and Baghdad searches for a solution with “SDF” Empty Türkiye bargains with Iraq for water, and Baghdad searches for a solution with “SDF”

    Post by Rocky Mon 26 Feb 2024, 4:36 am

    Türkiye bargains with Iraq for water, and Baghdad searches for a solution with “SDF”
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Baghdad 
    Member of Parliament, Thaer al-Jubouri, said today, Monday (February 26, 2024), that Turkey is bargaining with Baghdad regarding the water file, while noting that the Syrian Democratic Forces are cutting off most of the quantities of water coming towards Iraq in Syria.
    Al-Jubouri explained to “Baghdad Today” that “the water crisis with Turkey is still present and it carries with it several demands through which it wants to bargain with Baghdad, especially regarding creating an economic partnership and pushing its companies to have a large space in projects, especially the Iraqi development path, which will be launched soon with the participation of international companies.” known".
    He added, "Ankara has already reduced Iraq's water share for economic goals," pointing out that "diplomacy is Baghdad's choice, which we believe will take a broader scope, especially if the Supreme Water Council is formed in Baghdad, which has become a necessary requirement in order to develop a comprehensive road map for a solution." "The problem is not only with Ankara, but with other countries."
    Al-Jubouri pointed out that “Baghdad’s crisis regarding the water issue is not limited to Turkey, but rather the issue becomes more complex with the Euphrates River, with the SDF cutting off most of the quantities coming from Syria towards the western regions,” noting that “the SDF is not linked to the Syrian government, which requires negotiations that preserve Baghdad’s water rights.” And ensuring a fair share.”
    Last January witnessed successive contacts with Turkey, including a phone call between Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa al-Sudani and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in which they discussed securing Iraq’s share of the waters of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
    For the third year in a row, Iraq is suffering from a decrease in rainfall and river levels. This caused catastrophic repercussions, including a decline in agricultural yields, according to a questionnaire issued by the non-governmental organization “Norwegian Refugee Council”.
    According to the questionnaire, which included 1,341 families from five governorates, including Anbar in the west, Basra in the south, and Nineveh in the north, the access of 61 percent of families to drinking water and daily uses decreased, and one out of every five families said that they had completely run out of water, and were forced to Low quality water.
    The drought forced a quarter of families to rely on food aid after crop failures, and forced 35 percent of families to reduce their food consumption.
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