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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A warning against leaving Diyala’s decision in the hands of leaders “from abroad” and a call for Sun

    Admin Assist
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    A warning against leaving Diyala’s decision in the hands of leaders “from abroad” and a call for Sun Empty A warning against leaving Diyala’s decision in the hands of leaders “from abroad” and a call for Sun

    Post by Rocky Fri 01 Mar 2024, 4:34 am

    A warning against leaving Diyala’s decision in the hands of leaders “from abroad” and a call for Sunni forces
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] |Today,
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    Baghdad today - Diyala 
    Today, Friday (March 1, 2024), the head of the Azm Alliance in Diyala Governorate, MP Raad Al-Dahli, warned against leaving the governorate’s decision and fate in the hands of figures and leaders from outside it.
     Al-Dahlaki said in a statement received by "Baghdad Today", "The vacuum that Diyala Governorate is experiencing as a result of the inability of the political forces there to resolve differences and present a compromise candidate for the position of governor or head of the governorate council portends a danger and tension that cannot be accepted, especially since the people of the governorate have heard many promises in Election campaigns, but they were in vain as the political decision remained captive to leaders from outside the governorate.” 
     Al-Dahlaki added, “Deciding on the position of governor requires a serious stance and a real will from the political forces represented within the provincial council,” pointing out that “the recent local elections produced a clearer reality, which is that the Sunni component represents the majority in the province, and therefore the national and electoral entitlement The position of governor should be through the representatives of the component within the provincial council.”
     He continued, "The inability of the representatives of the other component to come out with a unified position and leave the decision and the fate of the governorate in the grip of leaders from outside it leaves us facing a historic position of victory for our governorate, our people, and our tribes by calling on the representatives of the Sunni component within the provincial council to unify their position and put forward one candidate for the position of governor and take him to a council session." Governorate to vote on it in order to end this controversy and move to the stage of implementing the service program and meeting the demands of the masses.”
    On (February 28, 2024), an informed source confirmed that the list of candidates for the position of governor of Diyala had shrunk to only three names.
    The source said in an interview with "Baghdad Today", "The list of candidates for the position of governor of Diyala has shrunk by half, and only 3 names remain on the table so far, including an academic," pointing out that "the names will be presented in a bilateral meeting that brings together the head of the State of Law coalition, Nouri al-Maliki, and the head of the Badr Organization." Hadi Al-Amiri, during the next two days, to proceed with creating a consensus on one of them to proceed with the formation of the local government .  ”
    He pointed out that "there are efforts to create a Diyala government before the next month of Ramadan, especially since the shrinking list of candidates will enhance the approach of determining the settlement candidate to proceed with holding the first session and deciding the vote on all positions."
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      Current date/time is Thu 23 Jan 2025, 3:29 pm