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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Border crossings discuss the implementation of a package of government measures and decisions

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Border crossings discuss the implementation of a package of government measures and decisions Empty Border crossings discuss the implementation of a package of government measures and decisions

    Post by Rocky Thu 07 Mar 2024, 5:09 am

    POSTED ON[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] BY [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

    [size=52]Border crossings discuss the implementation of a package of government measures and decisions[/size]

    [size=45]The Border Ports Authority discussed the implementation of the package of government measures and decisions that must be taken.[/size]
    [size=45]The Authority stated in a statement, “The Border Ports Authority, headed by the Chairman of the Authority, Major General Omar Adnan Al-Waeli, held an important meeting to discuss a large package of government measures, decisions and recommendations that must be taken, which support the work of the Authority in exercising its monitoring and supervisory role in accordance with the law, in the presence of directors and assistants of all ports.”[/size]
    [size=45]She added that the meeting focused on the continuation of the procedures for implementing the government program at all ports of entry (land, sea and air), and the most important of these procedures are:
    • Coordination with the Integrity Commission investigation offices in the governorates in order to implement joint control duties to prevent smuggling operations and manipulation of public funds that it seeks. We will eliminate weak souls and eliminate them with all decisiveness, refer violators to the judiciary, and impose the maximum penalties to deter anyone who attempts to carry out acts that violate the law.
    • Border port managers coordinate and integrate with the governorates with regard to developing and reconstructing the ports and meeting their requirements from the revenues generated and according to the needs of the operating departments in a way that serves to raise the level of service provided to citizens and improve performance for the better.
    • Activating the work of the intelligence cell, holding monthly meetings, coordinating work, exchanging information with the security departments operating at the border crossing, and opening direct communication channels.
    • Emphasizing port managers and assistants on field work, supervising the inspection of passengers and goods, and carrying out qualitative and sudden audits and controls to ensure that the law is applied dutifully and according to controls.
    • Following up on the drug and currency smuggling file, as it is the biggest challenge, and making double efforts to follow it up by developing professional technical and intelligence methods and procedures to control it.
    • Emphasis on electronic auditing and data intersection of customs receipts and goods exemption books, matching certificates of origin, invoices, and border sequences, and checking import authorizations to prevent forgery or distortion of official papers to ensure the collection of sovereign duties in a true manner commensurate with the value of the imported goods and to prevent any manipulation and waste of public money.
    • Emphasizing the provision of full support to the legal representatives at every border crossing, while emphasizing the need to resolve investigative committees and councils, take legal measures for the detected violations, and follow up on them after referring them to the judiciary to ensure that negligent parties are held accountable.
    • Emphasis on preventing vehicles and unauthorized persons from entering inspection areas, not allowing presence or practicing commercial work inside the border crossing, and taking legal measures against violators.
    • Inspect and calibrate the bridge scales and sonars and supervise the inspection of completed goods to prevent tampering with the weights or changing the description of the goods.
    • Emphasis on inspecting the goods and not releasing them until they are confirmed to conform to the specifications and controls of the Central Agency for Standardization and Quality Control.
    •Emphasizing the implementation of the government directives and approach in supporting the General Authority of Customs and assisting it in implementing the ŠKODA customs automation system for its role in maximizing government revenues and preventing forgery and manipulation.
    The authority noted that “the work of the border crossings and the most important results achieved were evaluated, and the necessity of continuing, preserving and improving them for the better was emphasized. Obstacles and mistakes were also identified to be addressed and ensured that they are not repeated,” noting that “at the end of the meeting, motivations were sharpened and all managers and assistants were motivated to do their utmost.” “And sincere efforts to serve our dear country.”[/size]
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