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    Interior Minister discovers corruption network of senior officers in the Ministry

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Interior Minister discovers corruption network of senior officers in the Ministry Empty Interior Minister discovers corruption network of senior officers in the Ministry

    Post by Rocky Mon Oct 27, 2014 6:44 am

    Interior Minister discovers corruption network of senior officers in the Ministry

    27 October 2014


    According to a source close to Interior Minister Mohammad Yu, the Interior Minister was summoned senior officers after receiving information from the network of corruption in the Ministry of the Interior is made up of officers holding high ranks, including border police commander Hussein Awadi.

    The source said, speaking to the ((day)) that this network was the key reason to enter terrorist militants, weapons and explosives into Iraq across the Iraqi-Syrian border, explaining that those corrupt officers were receiving kickbacks up to millions of dollars by allowing smuggling militants organize daash and various weapons and explosives into the territory of Iraq.

    The source said that the corrupt network of "Hussein Awadi, Director of the border police, major general Jabbar Meera administrator in the border police and the Director of the Office of Al-Awadi's Bridget known as Ahmed dollars for selling grades and offer commissions to Awadi and confidentiality protection command Commander, Captain ODAI and General corner border operations manager Paul Dean, beauty Director of border and mechanisms of these was given to Hassan Al-Awadi 50 million per month from selling kerosene and Chief Accountant Brigade had been deducted amounts from the soldiers and give them to Al-Awadi.

    In earlier before the fall of Mosul appealed to officers and the ranks of Iraqi border, members of the Iraqi Parliament to intervene and save them from corruption in the border police, and what he was doing some high-ranking officers of helping terrorists in the border, but no one heard their appeal is not met and the results that had in Iraq by opening borders to terrorists, without accounting for the border police commander for all these violations on the Iraqi border.(A.A)

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