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    Jubouri underlines the importance of resolving the budget file and rename the presidencies of commit

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
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    Jubouri underlines the importance of resolving the budget file and rename the presidencies of commit Empty Jubouri underlines the importance of resolving the budget file and rename the presidencies of commit

    Post by day dreamer Wed 29 Oct 2014, 7:31 pm

    Jubouri underlines the importance of resolving the budget file and rename the presidencies of committees 
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    10/30/2014 0:00

    Soon .. and ministers of finance, planning and oil and the CBE in Parliament to discuss the approval
      Baghdad, Alaa al-Tai morning Saad Turki
      As said House Speaker Salim al-Jubouri, the importance of the resolution of the general budget and the designation of the presidencies of the Parliamentary Standing Committees file and select Thursday last chance to choose the heads of parliamentary committees, plans and ministers of finance, planning and oil and central bank governor to attend House sessions next week to discuss the mechanics of the adoption of the federal budget for 2014.
    According to a statement received "morning," a copy of it, that al-Jubouri was held, yesterday, meeting with the heads of political blocs in the presence of his two deputies, which discussed organizational matters related to the functioning of the Council and the most important work of the parliamentary committees and the budget file.
    The statement quoted al-Jubouri said during the meeting that the first chapter of the Legislative Council's work is near completion, and that the Council going to be extended in the event of the arrival of the general budget of the government, stressing the need to resolve this file to the requirements of impairing the life of the citizen.
    Speaker of Parliament also called on the heads of political blocs to the need to speed up the nomination of the heads of parliamentary committees and the resolution of this file in the fastest time for the purpose of starting the tasks of the regulatory and legislative committees of the Council.
    He stressed the importance of reducing overhead by reducing the exchange inside the doors of the House of Representatives of the Parliament's contribution in financial need limbering and reduce excess and unnecessary costs to the state.
    Jubouri said, according to the statement, the heads of political blocs have made proposals relating to the functioning of the House of Representatives and frameworks of cooperation between all the blocs represented in parliament in order to improve the oversight and legislative role of the Council.
    To the parliamentary source said that the head of the House of Representatives to grant the Committee of Seven Last chance to choose the heads of parliamentary committees, noting that Thursday is the last day for the selection of the heads of parliamentary committees.
    He added that the Committee of Seven formed from the political blocs in order to choose the heads of parliamentary committees.
    The Presidency of the Council of Representatives has held, yesterday, at a meeting of the Council building with heads of political blocs to resolve the presidency of the permanent parliamentary committees file.
    A parliamentary source, a statement singled out the "morning", said the President of the Council Salim al-Jubouri and his two deputies Hamoudi and Aram Sheik Mohammed, held a closed-door meeting at the Constitutional Hall in the House of Representatives with the heads of political blocs in the council to discuss and resolve the naming heads of permanent parliamentary committees file.
    The source added that 26 of the House of Representatives standing committee, noting that the presidency of the Council may resort to the adoption of calculating the points for each block mechanism according to the number of deputies in the Council or reliance on political consensus.
    The source said that the political blocs is determined to take over the presidency of the Security and Defense Committees and the Finance Committee and the Committee of Economy and Investment and the Committee for Justice and Accountability and Legal Committee, something which constitutes a point of contention between the parliamentary blocs.
    On a related matter said a source familiar with the heads of the National Alliance blocks held a meeting in the parliament building, yesterday, to discuss the issue of the heads of parliamentary committees. The source said the "morning" that the heads of the National Alliance blocks gathered in the parliament building of the agreement on the heads of parliamentary committees.
    Said the leader of the Islamic Dawa Party MP for the coalition of state law on the Keywords that share the presidency of the National Alliance of the Parliamentary Standing Committees, according to the political blocs agreement 14 of the Commission, of which 8 committees to a coalition of state law.
    Meanwhile, plans and ministers of finance, planning and oil and central bank governor to attend House sessions next week to discuss the adoption of the federal budget for 2014 with the political blocs and discuss the Ministerial Committee on measures to resolve the final report and sent to the House of Representatives for a vote mechanisms. Said Assistant Secretary General of the Council of Ministers for Administrative and Financial Affairs Mohammed Obaid shop in an interview for the "morning", said the Minister of Finance and Planning, oil and Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq and the members of the ministerial committee in connection with a visit to the House of Representatives to discuss the steps to approve the federal budget for the current year and inform the political blocs on the processors and the issue of settlement inability to speed up their approval.
    He added that the Commission is proceeding with the preparation of its report, it is hoped to end the financial statements and submit final project during the next two weeks, denying rumors about the presence of a large deficit preclude approval, noting that the current deficit does not exceed 20 trillion dinars a deficit could be addressed through liquidity.
    For her part, member of the parliamentary finance committee Najiba Najib's "morning": that the committee has sent several correspondences to the Ministry of Finance and the Council of Ministers to speed up sending the draft budget for two years (2014-2015). She stressed that the reasons for the delay in the first lies in the lack of completion of the Finance Committee of Ministers its final report, adding that the government has the challenges and priorities related to aspects of armament and cover the expenses of the displaced.
    And on the next year's budget showed, we hope that the new government to speed up sending the budget year 2015 without delay to prevent repeating the mistakes that led to the delay in the adoption of the current year's budget.
    Najib indicated that the ministerial committee working to address the deficit in the current budget year 2014, where the deficit is oil revenues minus expenses that we believe it's two months, no more, no up to 84 trillion also put forward by some politicians in the media, a staff and operating expenses salaries represents only for the period mentioned.
    So called member of the Finance Committee MP Ahmed electrodes in a statement the "morning" not to disrupt the budget for another time and sent to the Parliament, pointing out that disabling the budget for the interests of disabled people, and especially a lot of financial issues linked to the budget.
    He explained that the current year's budget is still in the corridors of the Council of Ministers did not reach the Parliament and the Finance Committee in spite of numerous claims brought against the government over the presidency of the parliament to be sent as soon as the approval.
    He added that we are aware that the new conditions burdened budget Kaanlal Daash terrorist to some parts of the provinces have created large numbers of displaced people and spent a lot of money on the topic of arming the popular crowd and file displaced.
    He said it will be addressed by the current government was formed a ministerial committee to address the issue of the deficit and prepare the final draft of the budget.
    On the issue of reducing the official expenses of the Council of Representatives, said the Presidency of the Council of Representatives member Hamoudi said the council decided to reduce the expenses of official deputations in Parliament.
    He said in a press statement that, given the financial conditions of the country's House of Representatives decided to shorten Alaivadat to participate in conferences and seminars that go back to Iraq high usefulness.
    He also decided to cancel all the supplementary Alaivadat and that do not have the benefit of leaving the freedom of members of the House of Representatives to participate in the conferences that want to go to it at their own expense.
    He stressed that it was decided to reduce the expenses of deputations to half of what is paid in the previous parliamentary sessions.

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