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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The President of the Republic: The relationship between the federal government and the regional gove

    Admin Assist
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    Republic - The President of the Republic: The relationship between the federal government and the regional gove Empty The President of the Republic: The relationship between the federal government and the regional gove

    Post by Rocky Thu Jun 06, 2024 7:54 am

    [size=46]The President of the Republic: The relationship between the federal government and the regional government is characterized by full cooperation[/size]
    12:32 - 2024-06-06
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    The President of the Republic, Dr. Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, confirmed that Iraq has witnessed a remarkable transformation since the end of the hot phase of violence and terrorism, and we are currently witnessing security stability and people are taking to the streets without fear or anxiety, and peace and security in Iraq has now become a reality.
    The President of the Republic said in an interview with RT: We affirm the necessity of granting the Palestinian people the right to full self-determination and recognition of the State of Palestine. We strongly condemn the massacre to which the Palestinians were subjected, and we demand an immediate cessation of the war and relief for the Palestinian people. It is the duty of the international community to exert more pressure to recognize the Palestinians' right to self-determination. The genocide committed every day against the Palestinian people must stop.
    He added: Iraq suffered from difficult circumstances of wars, invasion, violence and terrorism for a long period of time, about more than four decades. Iraq has witnessed a remarkable transformation since the end of the hot phase of violence and terrorism, and we are currently witnessing security stability and people are taking to the streets without fear or anxiety, and peace and security in Iraq has now become a reality.
    He explained: We want to consolidate and strengthen peace and stability in Iraq, and our relations are good with neighboring countries and the international community, and we receive many delegations from abroad, as they all realized that the situation in Iraq has changed dramatically. We have political pluralism, nationalities and multiple sects, and dialogue is taking place between these groups for the benefit of the future of Iraq, and elections are held periodically to form federal and local governments within the framework of a democratic process.
    The President of the Republic said: The relationship between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government is full of cooperation. Iran is a very important neighbor to Iraq, and our relationship with it is good, strong, and is being developed continuously in various fields.
    He continued: We have begun to improve our infrastructure, because it has been neglected and damaged for a long time, as well as working to improve services in the areas of health, education, and transportation, and we seek to work with various countries to enhance this and achieve development. The relationship with the United States is good and we respect it, and the existence of the international coalition was under a joint agreement, and the agreements are reviewed from time to time according to the circumstances, and Iraq today can take care of its security itself. We value the contributions made by the United States and the international coalition in combating terrorism and training, and their presence or departure from the country depends on reaching an agreement in a timely manner through consultation with all political forces, the House of Representatives, and government institutions to evaluate what is required of the international coalition.
    He explained: ISIS families and their relatives in displacement camps represent a problem not only at the present time, but also in the future, and that is why our security services are working to solve this problem and take it into account. Iraq's relationship with Russia has always been a good relationship, previously with the Soviet Union and now with Russia, and we want to strengthen this relationship, and benefit from expertise in rehabilitating infrastructure, the energy sector, water and irrigation, and many aspects of life, as well as the cultural aspect, as Russia has a rich cultural heritage.

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