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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Al-Sudani's advisor explains: Has the government adopted a new approach to activate the private sect

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    advisor - Al-Sudani's advisor explains: Has the government adopted a new approach to activate the private sect Empty Al-Sudani's advisor explains: Has the government adopted a new approach to activate the private sect

    Post by Rocky Wed 03 Jul 2024, 5:08 am

    Al-Sudani's advisor explains: Has the government adopted a new approach to activate the private sector?

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    The Prime Minister's Advisor for Youth Affairs and member of the Supreme Council for Youth, Qasim Al-Dhalmi, confirmed today, Wednesday, that the government program focused on empowering youth and enhancing their role in building institutions and increasing national wealth, while pointing out the most important criteria for activating the role of youth energies. 
    The Prime Minister's representative, Advisor Qasim Al-Dhalimi, said in a speech during the Baghdad Youth Leaders Forum conference, "We congratulate the Baghdad Youth Leaders Forum on its valuable initiative to search for mechanisms, programs and ideas that raise the level of Iraqi youth in the cognitive, scientific, educational and professional fields, by creating an enabling environment that qualifies youth who constitute 60% of society, and stimulates their energies to work and innovate."
    He added, "Caring for youth and taking care of them socially, educationally and professionally represents the key to addressing the manifestations of backwardness, the deterioration of social conditions and the decline in their levels of productivity left behind by random and emotional policies for decades in the past, during which youth groups were marginalized and drowned in a sea of ​​contradictions and conflicts."
    He continued, saying: “It is time to remove the dust of loss and indifference from the youth and open up new horizons for them in the field of science, technology and artificial intelligence, which has become a phenomenon of the current era and a feature of the progress of nations and peoples.”
    He explained that “empowering youth and enhancing their role and participation in developing cultures, building institutions and increasing national wealth requires providing objective conditions that support their social and political movement, starting with updating legislation, curricula, scientific institutions and appropriate financial specializations. This is what the current government program focused on, based on the fact that youth are a vital, creative energy motivated towards change, construction and social peace, especially if they have conscious leaders who are open to the scientific, technical and political developments witnessed by the advanced world.”
    Al-Dhalimi stressed that "the government has adopted a new approach in its program that aims to activate the private sector, to create more basic job opportunities in the continuation of economic development and progress and attracting investments, in addition to working towards achieving equality with the public sector in rights and social security." 
    He expressed his hope that "the topics of your conference will be discussed in a constructive and civilized democratic manner, because the program of the Youth Leaders Building Conference is important and comprehensive, and its outcomes must be a qualitative addition to the government's policy towards youth, that national reserve of endless energies and potentials."
    Al-Dhalimi said, "The next stage of the national work process requires us to put Iraqi youth at the forefront of the state's priorities."

    Added 07/03/2024 - 1:00 PM
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