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    Spokesman: The government is committed to implementing agreements formed

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    Spokesman: The government is committed to implementing agreements formed Empty Spokesman: The government is committed to implementing agreements formed

    Post by day dreamer Sun 09 Nov 2014, 5:30 pm

    Spokesman: The government is committed to implementing agreements formed

     9/11/2014 0:00

    BAGHDAD - Alaa al-Tai
    Amid growing calls for the implementation of the policy document demanding political agreement, said government spokesman Saad newborn in a statement »Sabah», the government's commitment to implement its agreements under which the government was formed.
    He pointed out that it represents a roadmap of the political blocs and the three presidencies, where represents the formation of the government agreement document moral, political and legal, stressing that the government continues to implement its clauses and gave assurances of commitment and separated spines with interest priorities and decision-making procedures and sufficient time.
    He explained newborn that document, which contains six paragraphs represent a political consensus that led to the formation of the government at the current stage and paint a roadmap for the coming years and therefore can not be overlooked application program includes strategic axes without putting mechanisms governing the implementation of the next stage and applied in a real and coordination integrated between the three presidencies from The fact confirm commitment to the agreements and respect for the principles under which the announcement was the start of a new phase.
    He said the government has completed some of the paragraphs contained Alatvafah between the political blocs while being prepared for the implementation of other items, including the balance in the state's institutions, pointing out that the government's quest does not stop at achieving balance in state institutions but also includes the activation of the National Partnership enactment of Law of the National Guard, which is being prepare him.
    Newborn and noted that the current stage requires establishing new rules and relationships between the components of the political process and to achieve consensus that make Iraq united able to respond to the dangers of terrorism and which is exposed at the hands of gangs «Daash» terror.
    He said the political agreement, by which formed a government comprising 6 axes is the basic foundation and a program for the current stage, especially the security and stability of the achievement and advancement of the reality service and the standard of living of the citizens as well as tackling corruption and overhaul of all aspects of the state and governmental institutions and activation of censorship and laws that support for the government and independent institutions Kalnsahh and eliminate and offices of inspectors general.
    He continued newborn «The agreement also included provisions on the promotion and perpetuation of the oil industry and development by increasing the amount of oil exports and give flexibility in this axis and expand sources of imports to increase financial revenues and not restrict the oil sector.»
    Within the agreement also coordination between the three presidencies, including integrated and work as well as regulate the relationship between the federal government and local governments and the province.
    Newborn and pointed to the government's need to submit draft laws to regulate the terms and agreements as well as those working on the completion of the laws governing the powers of the institutions and build bridges of trust between the political components and the development of rules for a solid starting point towards a new phase of the unified collective action.
    He added that the Council of Ministers in connection with the adoption of the rules of procedure of the Council of Ministers Law and submit it to parliament for a vote where the law regulates the powers of the cabinet members and determines their powers and mechanisms of their work, noting that he is scheduled presentation of this law in the Council session Awazzra the tenth to be held within two weeks.
    And on
    budget, which is among the items and claims blocs Sabri said: that the government is seeking to approve the 2014 budget in spite of the challenges faced by the deficit and the expenses of the fact that the government has given assurances to the commitment of the government program and it needs to be attention to the priorities and decision-making procedures, adding «But all sides confirm that You can not undo the implementation of the government program and the participation of all forces ».
    The head of the parliament Saleem al-Jubouri, said at a news conference on the sidelines of his visit to the Kurdistan region, the need to implement and document the political agreement under which the formation of the government and its importance has been the success of the political process and to cross the stage, urging the committees formed by the government to prepare legislation and disclosure of the facts and to speed up the completion of their work is early, and the ones in charge of the committees to prepare a draft law of the National Guard and the formation of body to achieve balance in the state institutions and the dilemmas that relate to the current financial situation and the crisis in Iraq.

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