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    W. Bush supported the war on "Daash" and urges his brother to run for president

    day dreamer
    day dreamer
    Interacting Investor
    Interacting Investor

    Posts : 3197
    Join date : 2012-12-19

    W. Bush supported the war on "Daash" and urges his brother to run for president  Empty W. Bush supported the war on "Daash" and urges his brother to run for president

    Post by day dreamer Tue 11 Nov 2014, 8:21 pm

    readings: [rtl]1235[/rtl] 1235

    [ltr][rtl]2014/11/11 21:44[/rtl] 11/11/2014 21:44[/ltr]
    [ltr]W. Bush supported the war on "Daash" and urges his brother to run for president

    [ltr]W. Bush supported the war on "Daash" and urges his brother to run for president  30168

    [ltr]BAGHDAD / obelisk: Former US President George HW Bush expressed concern for the rise of the "state" of terrorism, in Iraq and Syria, in favor of Obama's goal of eliminating it.
     And former US president said that the idea of ​​the Republican candidacy of his brother Jeb Bush in the presidential election against Democrat Hillary Clinton to his liking.
    And by virtue of the political attention to the Bush family in the Gulf region, the rise of Jeb Bush, the decision to center in the United States probably will bring great attention to this area in the decline of interest in the contract of the current US President Barack Obama stage.
     In an interview conducted in the framework of the promotion of a book written by Bush from his father, former President George HW Bush's campaign said he urges his brother on a quest to be the third presidents of the Bush family.
    And previously served Jeb Bush (61 years) as the governor of Florida, a two considering running in the race to win the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election and says he will decide in the matter by the end of this year.
    [rtl]وق[/rtl] He said George W. Bush, according to a statement I followed "obelisk" in Reuters that his brother "has the experience necessary to be president. He understands what it means to be a leader. It is able to induce different categories of voters."
     He added, "He has a vision," stressing that it will stand next to him if he decides to run.
    The former president said, "Some will say there is no way to give a voice to people with this name."
    "Of course if you run in front of Hillary Clinton, I think that the problem will be resolved name to a certain extent and then people choose their leader from them. But did not announce any of them and I really do not know if he would run pocket."
     It is expected that Hillary Clinton wins the Democratic nomination in the presidential election if sought him again. She had lost in winning the party's nomination before the presidential elections in 2008 and then served as foreign minister in President Barack Obama's government from 2009 to 2013.
    In the interview, which took place with Bush on Friday in the George W. Bush Presidential Library in Dallas was a former president (68 years) are more willing to talk about current events than it was when he left the White House in early 2009.
     Bush appeared relaxed for his place in history.  Popularity ratio was 34 percent when his presidency ended.  The poll now and as it happens with many former presidents have organized Gallup showed that his popularity rate of 53 percent.
     The book carries the former president and address (41 - a picture of my father) a letter of appreciation for his father's pure old 90 years and that George W. Bush that he now travels in a wheelchair, although he said his memory has become weak.[/ltr]

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