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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    A parliament without a president... How can it affect the performance of the legislative authority?

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 277353
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    President - A parliament without a president... How can it affect the performance of the legislative authority? Empty A parliament without a president... How can it affect the performance of the legislative authority?

    Post by Rocky Sun 28 Jul 2024, 4:34 am

    A parliament without a president... How can it affect the performance of the legislative authority?

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    Baghdad Today-Baghdad
    Today, Saturday (July 27, 2024), Professor of Political Science at the University of Baghdad, Khaled Al-Ardawi, reviewed “indirect” data that may diagnose the extent of the impact of the crisis of electing the Speaker of Parliament on the performance of the legislative authority represented by Parliament, considering that the weakness of Parliament’s performance in general is diagnosed in its various sessions, in addition to the impact of the heads of the blocs on the performance of their representatives.
    Al-Ardawi told Baghdad Today, "It cannot be said that the parliament committees are clinically dead or that they are without work. They are working and trying to accomplish their tasks as much as possible, but certainly their performance has declined due to the parliament presidency crisis and the political blocs' bidding among themselves on this issue."
    He pointed out that "there is a general observation that we notice in all parliamentary sessions, which is the weak performance of the legislative authority in its three main areas of work: legislation, oversight, and accountability. There is also a chronic weakness in the performance of parliamentarians of their aforementioned tasks."
    He added, "This weak performance is linked to the political orientations of the leaders of their blocs. The Iraqi parliamentarian does not have complete freedom in his parliamentary work, and faces continuous pressure to take what the leaders of the blocs want, and the margin of freedom left for him is not sufficient to accomplish his tasks effectively."
    The crisis of electing the Speaker of Parliament has been ongoing for more than 7 months, with the matter reaching a dead end and the only way out is to amend the Parliament’s internal regulations in order to open the door for re-nomination, while questions are being raised about whether the political blocs concerned with the position of Speaker of Parliament are trying to “weaken the performance of their representatives” in order to reflect this on the performance of Parliament as a whole, to prove the importance of having a Speaker of Parliament and the extent of the impact of his absence.
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