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    The government sends the budget "2015" to the House of Representatives

    Interacting Investor
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    The government sends the budget "2015" to the House of Representatives Empty The government sends the budget "2015" to the House of Representatives

    Post by lonelyintexas Wed Nov 19, 2014 10:21 am

    The government sends the budget "2015" to the House of Representatives

    11/19/2014 15:56
    Decision of the House of Representatives said Imad Youkhana Yako, Wednesday, that the government has promised us to send the budget in 2015 or the beginning of next month mid-December. And between Yako that "according to the Constitution and the law is supposed to be the next House session is the last session in the legislative term, noting that" there is a paragraph in the event of non-arrival of the budget 2015 to the Parliament can not be for the House of Representatives to begin the legislative Batlth. "He explained that" the House of Representatives waiting to send balancing the beginning or middle of next month because they promised us, send them and therefore, the parliament will be binding on the continuation of the advantage until the completion of the budget. "The religious authority called on to San representative, Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Karbalai on 14 of this month to speed up Bagherarmoisna 2015 as oil prices fell and the face of the deficit to be leaders to speed up and show the necessary flexibility in the estimation of the things the country condoning some of the demands that can be delayed for the last time, noting that the insistence on disrupting this budget means that the harm would befall everyone and lead to the disruption of the country. " The oil minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi said that the expected oil price calculated in building the financial budget for 2015 will appreciate to $ 80 per barrel. "He guessed Abdul-Mahdi during hosted in the House of Representatives hearing yesterday," the lack of a rapid rise in oil prices during the current period, although and that attempts are being made ​​to ensure the stability of the oil market or to achieve relatively high prices.

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    day dreamer
    day dreamer
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    The government sends the budget "2015" to the House of Representatives Empty Re: The government sends the budget "2015" to the House of Representatives

    Post by day dreamer Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:03 am

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