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    Parliamentary discussions on the “Mukhtars Law” before its first reading

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Parliamentary discussions on the “Mukhtars Law” before its first reading Empty Parliamentary discussions on the “Mukhtars Law” before its first reading

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Sep 2024, 4:00 am

    [size=35][size=35]Parliamentary discussions on the “Mukhtars Law” before its first reading[/size]
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    2024-09-04 | 03:35
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    Alsumaria News - Politics

    The Parliamentary Committee on Regions and Governorates confirmed that the Mukhtars Law is still under discussion before it is presented for the first reading, while it indicated that the allocations have reached the provincial councils.


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    The deputy chairman of the committee, MP Jawad Al-Yassari, said, “The Mukhtars Law was prepared in a way that does justice to this segment, in terms of service and privileges, and determining the age, provided that it does not exceed the retirement age, and perhaps this service will be counted for retirement purposes in the future.”

    The leftist added, "The law was not passed due to the failure to reach consensus, and it was not read for the first time due to the objection to the bonus amount," indicating that "the mukhtar receives 250 thousand dinars, and the amount was raised to 500 thousand dinars after discussions."

    The representative addressed the provincial councils law, saying: "The existence of the councils is specified in Article 122 of the constitution, which regulates their work and the method of their election, as the highest local authority. They elect the governor and the district governor, and are entrusted with many tasks, including oversight and legislation of local decisions," noting that "some councils made mistakes in appointing district directors and district governors without referring to Law 21, in addition to the violations of some governors who did not return to the councils in choosing the district governors."

    A member of the parliamentary regions committee explained that “some governors appointed more than 30 advisors, contrary to the law that specified only 6 advisors,” stressing that “the allocations reached the governorates and were distributed according to the population density between the districts and sub-districts, but some parties obstructed some projects with routine and instructions for releasing funds.”

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