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    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveals its efforts to increase non-oil revenues and activate collec

    Admin Assist
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    Committee - Parliamentary Finance Committee reveals its efforts to increase non-oil revenues and activate collec Empty Parliamentary Finance Committee reveals its efforts to increase non-oil revenues and activate collec

    Post by Rocky Mon 09 Sep 2024, 6:38 am

    Parliamentary Finance Committee reveals its efforts to increase non-oil revenues and activate collection

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    Economy News - Follow-up
    The Finance Committee of the House of Representatives revealed, on Monday, its efforts to increase non-oil revenues and activate collection in the electricity sector, while explaining the details of its hosting of the Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali Fadel.
     The head of the committee, Atwan Al-Atwani, said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, which was followed by "Al-Iqtisad News", that "oil revenues constitute 90 percent of the state's revenues, and this causes an unstable economic situation," stressing "the importance of enhancing non-oil revenues such as customs, taxes, and fees for services provided by institutions, whether water or electricity."
    He added, "The committee hosted the Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali Fadel, to solve major problems, including the failure of government institutions, the housing sector, and self-financing companies to comply with collection," indicating that "there are other hostings for him in order to solve the collection problem."
    Al-Atwani explained, "The Ministry of Electricity produces 25 thousand megawatts, but the revenues achieved by the ministry amount to less than one trillion dinars, and this is very little."
    He pointed out that "the government spends large sums of money on the electricity sector, and there is a production capacity of about 25 thousand megawatts, so there is no equivalent amount for this service," indicating that "the sustainability of electrical energy requires maintenance and strengthening in terms of supporting the Ministry of Electricity." 
    Al-Atwani said, "The minister spoke during his hosting about the entry of 4,000 megawatts into service, as a result of the installed units that could compensate for the need for gas."
    He pointed out that "the load that Iraq needs reaches 49 thousand megawatts, and this is a large number that needs to be followed up," noting that "there is a shortage estimated at 40 percent of Iraq's need for electrical energy."
    The head of the parliamentary finance committee confirmed that "the committee will host the ministers of transport and communications and other ministers whose ministries achieve revenues as stated in the budget, in addition to hosting officials from customs and taxes," stressing "the necessity for the government not to bear everything, and for institutions to carry out their duties."

    Views 61
    Added 09/09/2024 - 1:18 PM
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