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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Qabbanji praises steps to reform the government and the restoration of relations with the province o


    Posts : 5321
    Join date : 2012-12-20

    Qabbanji praises steps to reform the government and the restoration of relations with the province o Empty Qabbanji praises steps to reform the government and the restoration of relations with the province o

    Post by wciappetta Fri 05 Dec 2014, 6:26 am

    Qabbanji praises steps to reform the government and the restoration of relations with the province of Kurdistan Editor Ali Jasim 

    - Friday, 5 December 2014 14:38

     welcomed to Fri Najaf, Sadr al-Din Qabbanji, on Friday, the big-government steps reform and disclosure of ghost soldiers, while praised Qabbanji the return of the internal relations between the central government and the Kurdistan Region, considered the accusation popular crowd militias that denial of a beautiful save Iraq from collapse.

     He said Qabbanji during Friday prayers held in Hosseinieh Fatimid Najaf, and attended "Alsumaria News", "We welcome the great strides the reformist government in the security side, and open files (50) thousand soldiers who receive salaries and equipment and go all the money into the pockets of the leaders suck the blood of the Iraqi people." he said, adding that "the figures could reach 250 thousand imaginary soldier."

    Qabbanji He added that "Iraq today to achieve great victories editing areas and villages of the terrorist gangs and Daash," considering charging the popular crowd militias as a "denial of beautiful to these heroes who have kept Iraq from collapse." 

    He praised Qabbanji to "major reforms at the level of the internal relations and return between the central government and the Kurdistan Region, "explaining that" Iraq is correct steps to unify the Iraqi fabric which is built on the basis of love and not the intersection and hostility. " and the imam of Juma Najaf that "the reduction of the salaries of ministers and the presidency and parliament, a great initiative and wait for the agents and special grades other to reduce the salaries," pointing out that the "This project will contribute to building community and a lack of class."

     He continued Qabbanji saying that it "has been detected (9) thousands of imaginary project," saying these phantom projects as "the reason for the deficit in the budget of Iraq." The general commander of the armed forces, Haider al-Abadi revealed , in (November 30, 2014), the cancellation of 50 000 jobs to a member "space" in the Defense Ministry within one month, while the Parliament called for cooperation with the government to achieve economic reform and action against corruption.

     The Iraqi Cabinet decided, in (2 December the first in 2014), the approval of the oil agreement between the federal government and the government of the territory of Kurdistan, which provides for the delivery of the region at least 250 thousand barrels of oil a day to the federal government for the purpose of export.

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