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    'Important' UK-Iraq deal to return illegal immigrants

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    'Important' UK-Iraq deal to return illegal immigrants Empty 'Important' UK-Iraq deal to return illegal immigrants

    Post by Rocky Sat 30 Nov 2024, 4:50 am

    'Important' UK-Iraq deal to return illegal immigrants

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    Economy News - Follow-up
    The British newspaper The Times said that Britain signed an important agreement with Iraq to return illegal immigrants and exchange intelligence information about criminal groups.
    The newspaper explained that under this agreement, Iraq has committed to enhancing its cooperation to recover immigrants who entered the United Kingdom illegally.
    She added that this means returning irregular migrants to Iraq more quickly through close cooperation between the authorities of the two countries in everything related to accelerating the identification of those concerned.
    She said that Britain will fund Iraq's efforts to enhance its ability to deal with migrants returning to the country, and programmes that help integrate them into society.
    The Times said that the United Kingdom has long struggled to return irregular migrants to Iraq, stressing that they are among the highest nationalities entering the country irregularly.
    She explained that the number of Iraqi immigrants this year constituted the seventh largest nationality crossing the English Channel in small boats to enter Britain, with a total of 1,624 immigrants by September.
    She confirmed that London will fund an advertising campaign across Iraq to counter misinformation and myths spread by people smugglers online to encourage people to pay them thousands of pounds to immigrate to the United Kingdom illegally.

    Added 11/30/2024 - 9:27 AM
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