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    Lifting the "Real Estate" Law threatens to postpone the Parliament session

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Lifting the "Real Estate" Law threatens to postpone the Parliament session Empty Lifting the "Real Estate" Law threatens to postpone the Parliament session

    Post by Rocky Sun 01 Dec 2024, 6:59 am

    Lifting the "Real Estate" Law threatens to postpone the Parliament session

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    2024-12-01 06:38

    Shafaq News/ Independent MP Jawad Al-Yasari said that there is a discussion between the political forces within the House of Representatives to remove the "Law to Return Properties to Their Owners" from the agenda of today's session, Sunday, noting that the law is the last item on the agenda of the current session until this hour.
    He added in a statement to Shafaq News Agency that the general amnesty and personal status laws will be passed together in one basket, pointing out that there is an agreement between the political forces to approve these two laws if the session is held today.
    The leftist pointed out that if the Kurdish forces refused to remove the real estate return law from the session's agenda, the session would be postponed until further notice.
    Iraqi draft laws face sharp political differences in parliament, most notably the real estate return law and the personal status law. 
    Arif Al-Hamami, a member of the parliamentary legal committee, confirms that the Sunni blocs refuse to pass the law to return the properties in full, while the Shiite forces object to the law’s distinction to include Kirkuk Governorate without the rest of Iraq’s regions. 
    The law aims to return properties confiscated by the former regime, especially to Kurdish and Turkmen citizens. 
    In contrast, amendments to the Personal Status Law are facing widespread controversy over issues of marriage, divorce and inheritance. In addition, Sunni MPs are seeking to pass a general amnesty law, which Shiite forces oppose for fear of releasing detainees on “terrorism” charges.
    The House of Representatives is scheduled to hold a session today, Sunday, to vote on the proposed Personal Status Law No. (188) of 1959, as amended, in addition to the draft law to restore the decisions of the Revolutionary Command Council (dissolved), as well as to vote on the second amendment to the General Amnesty Law No. (27) of 2016.
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