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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    The Private Banks Association signs a cooperation agreement with the University of Frankfurt, German

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    The Private Banks Association signs a cooperation agreement with the University of Frankfurt, German Empty The Private Banks Association signs a cooperation agreement with the University of Frankfurt, German

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Dec 2024, 4:52 am

    The Private Banks Association signs a cooperation agreement with the University of Frankfurt, Germany

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    [rtl]The Iraqi Private Banks Association signed a cooperation agreement with the Frankfurt University of Administrative and Financial Sciences in Germany, with the aim of enhancing cooperation in the fields of training, consulting and academic activities.[/rtl]
    [rtl]This agreement comes within the framework of the Strengthening Public Finance and Financial Markets in Iraq (FFM) project, which is organized by the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ) and funded by the European Union and the German Government.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Association was represented in signing the agreement by the Deputy Executive Director, Ahmed Al-Hashemi, while the Vice President of the Frankfurt University for Administrative and Financial Sciences, Fatima Dirks, represented the Association, in the presence of the Director of Development and Training at the Central Bank of Iraq, Nizar Rafeh. [/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Hashemi stressed that this agreement represents a new start for cooperation between the Iraqi banking sector and the German side, noting that it will contribute to the exchange of expertise and transfer of knowledge.[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added that the agreement includes organising joint training courses in both Iraq and Germany in various banking fields, which will greatly benefit the Iraqi banking sector by developing capabilities and competencies.[/rtl]
    [rtl]For her part, Vice President of the Frankfurt University for Financial and Administrative Sciences, Fatima Dirks, stressed the importance of this cooperation in enhancing the exchange of knowledge and expertise between the two countries, affirming that the agreement represents a promising step towards a fruitful partnership.[/rtl]

    Added 12/03/2024 - 11:20 AM
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