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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Explaining the positives of the irrigation fees law in Iraq

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Explaining the positives of the irrigation fees law in Iraq Empty Explaining the positives of the irrigation fees law in Iraq

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Dec 2024, 4:54 am

    Explaining the positives of the irrigation fees law in Iraq

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    Economy News - Baghdad
    [rtl]The Ministry of Agriculture explained the positives of implementing the irrigation fees law, and indicated that it will encourage the adoption of modern irrigation methods.[/rtl]
    [rtl]The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mahdi Sahar Al-Jubouri, said, “The decision of the Ministry of Water Resources to re-implement the law on agricultural land irrigation fees aims to enhance the financial resources of the ministry and ensure the delivery of water to all beneficiaries on the other hand, especially since these funds will be allocated to completing irrigation projects and also maintaining irrigation and drainage stations in all Iraqi governorates.”[/rtl]
    [rtl]He added, "Wages have been reduced by 50% for farmers and cultivators who use modern irrigation methods, and this will encourage them to switch to modern methods that aim to rationalize water use and increase the productivity of one dunum."[/rtl]
    [rtl]Al-Jubouri called on the Ministry of Water Resources to organize water distribution through digital transformation in irrigation projects by electronically controlling water distribution among beneficiaries through a control system that determines the share of each region and each farmer, similar to the experiences of advanced countries in the world; to ensure fair distribution to all governorates and regions within a single governorate.[/rtl]

    Added 12/03/2024 - 9:45 AM
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