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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session if they are no

    Admin Assist
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    Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session if they are no Empty Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session if they are no

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Dec 2024, 5:06 am

    Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session if they are not approved

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    2024-12-03 04:10

    Shafaq News/ The representative of the Kurdistan Democratic Party bloc, Jiay Timur, said that if the three controversial laws are not approved in today's session, Tuesday, they will be postponed to the next legislative session.
    In a statement to Shafaq News Agency, Taymour expected that the three disputed laws (general amnesty, personal status, and returning properties to their owners in Kirkuk) would not be passed due to political differences between the components, adding that: Each component wants to pass its own law.
    He added that the House of Representatives reached advanced stages yesterday in approving these laws, but problems and disagreements occurred between the political blocs, and there was an objection to passing articles and paragraphs in the three laws, which caused the representatives to leave the parliament session and postpone the vote until noon today.
    Timur also confirmed that the real estate return law is related to the return of private property to Kurdish and Turkmen citizens in Kirkuk whose lands were seized by unfair decisions issued by the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council.
    The member of the House of Representatives also pointed out that there is fear of approving the general amnesty law, especially with what is happening in the region, indicating that approving this law will allow the release of terrorists, who may join armed groups again and pose a threat to society.
    Timur continued by saying that this is the last week of the current legislative session, and if the disputed laws are not approved in today's session, they will be postponed to the next legislative session.
    Yesterday, Monday, the House of Representatives held a regular session with an agenda that included voting on personal status laws, general amnesty, and returning properties to their owners, which are still a subject of political controversy.
    Parliament failed to pass controversial bills, including the real estate return law demanded by the Kurds, in addition to the personal status law submitted by the Shiite Coordination Framework, in addition to the general amnesty law adopted by representatives from Sunni blocs.
    The draft law focuses on returning real estate to its owners within those covered by the decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council.
    Kurdish MPs and officials say that the draft law concerns properties that are to be returned to their original Kurdish and Turkmen owners, and that were confiscated under 8 decisions issued by the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council during the years from 1975 to 1979, and the aim of which was to carry out demographic changes in the disputed areas.
    The proposal to amend the Iraqi Personal Status Law No. 188 of 1959 has sparked widespread controversy in parliament and among civil society organizations, with some supporting and others opposing it. The amendments relate to matters of marriage, divorce, inheritance, and child custody.
    In parallel, Sunni parliamentary and political forces stress the need to pass a general amnesty law, which is opposed by Shiite forces for fear of releasing detainees accused of terrorism.
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    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Join date : 2012-12-21

    Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session if they are no Empty Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session

    Post by Rocky Tue 03 Dec 2024, 6:41 am

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    [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
    [size=52]Parliamentarian: Controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session[/size]
    • Today 15:38

    Information / Special..
    MP Mohammed Al-Ziyadi confirmed today, Tuesday, that the three controversial laws will be postponed to the next legislative session if they are not voted on today.
    Al-Ziyadi said in a statement to Al-Maalouma Agency, "Yesterday, the House of Representatives reached advanced stages in approving these laws, but problems and disagreements occurred between the political blocs and objections to passing articles and paragraphs in the three laws," indicating that "these disagreements caused the representatives to leave the parliament session and postpone the vote until noon today."
    He added, "There is fear of passing the general amnesty law, especially with what is happening in the region," explaining that "passing this law will allow the release of terrorists, who may join armed groups again."
    He added: "If the disputed laws are not approved in today's session, they will be postponed to the next legislative session."
    It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives decided yesterday to adjourn its session until tomorrow after failing to vote on a number of controversial laws. End 25 min
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      Current date/time is Mon 13 Jan 2025, 4:27 pm