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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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    MP: There is no complete law and there are many objections to controversial laws

    Admin Assist
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    MP: There is no complete law and there are many objections to controversial laws Empty MP: There is no complete law and there are many objections to controversial laws

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Dec 2024, 4:15 am

    [size=35][size=35]MP: There is no complete law and there are many objections to controversial laws[/size]
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    Alsumaria Special

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    2024-12-03 | 14:18
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    The spokesman confirmed[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]MP Yahya Al-Muhammadi said today, Tuesday, that there are many objections to controversial laws, explaining that there is no law that is complete in all its aspects.

    Al-Muhammadi said in an interview with the program “From the End,” which is broadcast on[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]Al-Fadaiya, that "the three laws are important and carry political and social dimensions, and the possibility of disagreement is possible due to the sensitivity of the laws adopted by different components, as the amnesty is adopted by[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]The properties confiscated from the Kurds and the personal status from the Shiites, and this creates different points of view and objections from representatives, and this proves that there is no law that is complete from all sides due to the existence of objections to some paragraphs of the laws.

    He added: "The amnesty law, as its name suggests, is an amnesty for criminals and perpetrators of crimes. The law came from the government and includes an interpretation of belonging to terrorism, but it has changed."[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]When he reached parliament, he explained that “the amnesty law aims to release innocent people from prisons and find out the fate of the missing, in addition to giving those convicted a chance to return and integrate into society.”

    Al-Muhammadi pointed out that “there are more than 60,000 prisoners in Iraq for various crimes, and this has created overcrowding by 300%,” indicating that “the large numbers of prisoners create a state of disparity and problems in[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]“And returning them to life after serving half of their sentence.”

    He pointed out that “the pardon means re-investigating those whose confessions were extracted and who were sentenced based on these confessions, in addition to the secret informant. These are the ones who should be included in the general pardon,” noting that “the judiciary is responsible for retrial and investigation, and this is what we adopted at the beginning to pass the pardon law because we do not want those who have blood on their hands to be released.”

    Al-Muhammadi explained that “whoever applies[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]It is the judiciary that determines who is included in the pardon, and we want the largest percentage of convicts to be included, and we do not want demonization.[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]“We only want to focus on the humanitarian aspect and to release the largest number of innocent people through it,” he said, indicating that “the three laws came in one basket and this creates great differences and many objections to passing the laws.”

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