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    Postponing the "Pardon, Personal Status and Real Estate" Laws to Next Year.. MP Reveals the Reasons

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

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    Postponing the "Pardon, Personal Status and Real Estate" Laws to Next Year.. MP Reveals the Reasons Empty Postponing the "Pardon, Personal Status and Real Estate" Laws to Next Year.. MP Reveals the Reasons

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Dec 2024, 4:43 am

    Postponing the "Pardon, Personal Status and Real Estate" Laws to Next Year.. MP Reveals the Reasons

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    Baghdad Today - Baghdad
    Independent MP Ahmed Al-Sharmani revealed, on Tuesday (December 3, 2024), a political trend to postpone controversial laws until after the legislative holiday due to the ongoing disagreements over them.
    Al-Sharmani told Baghdad Today, "There is a political trend by some political blocs and parties to postpone the controversial laws (general amnesty, personal status, Kirkuk real estate) until after the legislative holiday due to the disagreements over them."
    He added, "Yesterday's session was disrupted due to the quorum being broken, and today's session was also disrupted by agreement of certain blocs, which led to the session being postponed until further notice."
    Al-Sharmani explained that “these laws are still the subject of intense disagreement between the blocs and parties, and have greatly affected the holding of parliament sessions,” noting that “postponing them to the beginning of next year aims to give those parties enough time for dialogue and understanding with the aim of voting on them at the beginning of the new legislative term.”
    Disagreements between parliamentary blocs prevented the passage of controversial laws during the parliament sessions over the past two days, most notably amending the general amnesty law, the personal status law, and returning properties to their owners.
    It is noteworthy that the House of Representatives began its session yesterday to vote on amending the Personal Status Law, the General Amnesty Law, and the Law on Returning Properties to Their Owners, which are covered by some decisions of the dissolved Revolutionary Command Council, without approving them.
    The Presidency of the House of Representatives announced the agenda of its session scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, after today's session was postponed due to problems regarding "controversial laws". The most prominent items will be hosting Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani, in addition to voting on the draft law of the National Intelligence Service.
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