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Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality

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Neno's Place Established in 2006 as a Community of Reality


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    With Document.. Parliamentary Finance Committee Submits Retirement Age Amendment to First Reading

    Admin Assist
    Admin Assist

    Posts : 282968
    Join date : 2012-12-21

    With Document.. Parliamentary Finance Committee Submits Retirement Age Amendment to First Reading Empty With Document.. Parliamentary Finance Committee Submits Retirement Age Amendment to First Reading

    Post by Rocky Wed 04 Dec 2024, 6:44 am

    With Document.. Parliamentary Finance Committee Submits Retirement Age Amendment to First Reading
    • Time: 2024/12/04 14:45:21
    • Reading: 689 times

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    {Politics: Al Furat News} The head of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Atwan Al Atwani, announced today, Wednesday, that the committee has submitted the draft amendment to the General Retirement Law to the Parliament Presidency to present it for the first reading.
    Al-Atwani said in a press statement, "The law stipulates amending the retirement age from 60 to 63 years."
    Member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Moeen Al-Kazemi, announced on November 3 that the Parliamentary Legal Committee had prepared a working paper and a draft of the retirement law, and the same draft is present in the Retirement Authority and is under discussion to raise the retirement age to 63 years.
    MP Al-Kazemi expected "not to decide on this draft during this year, and we hope that the retirement law will be decided next year, along with the service of retirees, their salaries, and the legal age."

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      Current date/time is Wed 15 Jan 2025, 6:19 am